Ch23: Caspian And Baby Names & Fathers With Deadly Plans

Start from the beginning

"Cerberus. Yes, an epic name." Caspian fist pumps the air as he leaps up and head out the door.

I roll my eyed and go back to work.

One month later

Its been two months since my father came to watch over us and I haven't even seen him. Cerberus is getting bigger and has opened his eyes more. He is starting to make sounds now and Eva is enjoying even moment of it.

I smile as I see Eva and Cerberus asleep on my bed with the covers over them.

Then I heard loud foot steps coming closer to my door as I sat in a chair besides the bed. My door was ripped open and in barged my father as he looked at me then to the Eva and Cerberus.

"You have two weeks. Kill her or change her." He growls out and turns on his heels as he slams the door. I snap my head to a still asleep Eva and Cerberus and start to panic.

"Two weeks to turn her. What happens after those two weeks are up?" I asked and I try to relax in my chair. How will I do this?

I watch them sleep and I smile at them.

This it perfect.

Too perfect.

Days go by the same thing. I stay with Eva and Cerberus, we do things all day and then go to sleep. My father was never spotted the whole time and it worried me.

Two weeks went by and I was on high alert. I sat in the same chair I did when my father warned me and Eva and Cerberus lay quietly on the bed asleep. Then loud stomping came from outside my door as I heard it get closer. This time there was much more feet outside the door as it was ripped open.

My father stood with multiple people as he looked at the bed to both of them. He stomped over to them and I super sped infront of him.

"Don't even!" I growl and he watch me with anger.

"I gave you two weeks. Two weeks! And what did you do? Nothing. Restrain him." Commands my father and two guards appear on both sides of my father and grab my shoulders. I smack thier hands away and then I lunge towards my father and pin him to the wall behind him.

"You will not hurt her!" I growl and five men pin mr to the wall beside my father. I was pressed into it and I saw my father brush himself off.

"Grab the baby Coal." Commands my father and my eyes widen.

"Coal,  what the hell!" I yell.

"I'm sorry my lord, but her is of higher order than you I have to obey." He said and the men who had me pin spun me around so that I saw Eva and Cerberus.

Coal had gently picked up the baby and started to walk away. As soon as Cerberus was not touching Eva he opened his eyes and started crying. That woke Eva up quickly and I looked at her with worry. I started to push against the men and they struggle with holding me back. Five more came up and pressed my back to the wall. I was completely pinned.

"Lorcan?" She asked and looked at me with confusion and worry.

"Eva!" I shout to her and I saw my father stand at the foot of the bed.

"I don't see what is so great about you." He said watching her and she looked at him with worry.

"What are you going to do?" She asked with fear. Anger bubbled in me.

"Don't you even touch her!" I yell as I pull against the men who held me down.

"I am going to do what he should have done a while ago." Spoke my father as he stepped closer to her.

"Caesar!" I yell his name in a menacing growl.

He stopped and turned to me.

"So do you remember that nightmare you had." He asked and my face went cold.

He super sped to her and in a flash he had her in a choke hold with her back to his chest and his arms around her head. He stared at me and smiled.

"Well, why don't we make it reality." He said and in one quick motion he twisted her head and a loud snap was heard in the deadly silent room.

My body want limp and my head felt like it was being torn from my chest.

I saw her limp body and I was finally let go. I drop to my knees and I rush to her.

"You can still save her." Spoke my father as he turn and leave the room. I look down at her lifeless eyes. I heard foot steps behind me and heard crying from a baby.

I didn't need to turn around to know it was Coal. He kneels down and sets the baby onto Eva's motionless chest and then gets up to leave. The baby goes quiet as he lays there with tears in his eyes.

"She's gone." I whisper to myself.

I pick up her and and a tear leaves my eye.

"She is really gone."

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