Ch39: Family Heir And Firends To Foes

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Cerberus POV

I woke up the next morning with something warm attached to my side. I open my eyes to the bright sun and I felt a strong bond over come me. I look over and there lays fast asleep my beauty of a mate.

I also felt one hell of a hangover over come me as I move to look at her. I groan and she stirs.

"Shit." I whisper and she stirs some more.

"Good morning." She mumbles as she buries her face into the side of my neck. I smile and cuddle with her. I then notice what all went down last night.

"Are you mad?" I asked curious and afraid.

"Why would I be?" She mumbled as she lift me head with her messy hair up and rests her chin on my shoulder.

"We completed the bond and now you are going to be pregnant soon, and I was worried you would be mad at me for forcing you, I guess." I said staring at her eyes.

"Two thing." She said giving me a sassy look.

"One, last night was fun," she said that with a smile, "and two you didn't force me because you couldn't have. I made the choice to sleep with you and I want to have children with you. That is my dream to be loved both by someone and by my children."

I smiled at her and lean in completely ignoring the pounding pain in my head.

"I love you." I said and she smiled.

"I know, I love myself too." She then leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"Oh, but you are a great runner up." She said and we both laughed.


I sat in the office of a killer and he just stared at me.


"Lorcan! You are the one that killed the entire Red Sun pack! Why have you come murder!" Growls my father.

"Oh, Alpha Grey, I have some business to settle with you first." The Vampire growled and in one quick motion darted at my father and slashed his throat open. Blood leaked out his throat as my father gasped for air.

I growl and lunge at the vampire but he grabbed my trachea. He held my throat and I stayed completely still.

"Your father did terrible things in the past and I just replayed the destruction he caused my delicate flower with this. Him choking on his own blood. Now I want too know why you have left your pack?" He asked me and I felt panic fill my body.

I'm pathetic. I whimper and he grinned.

"We where ran out by an outsider." I gasped out and her squeezed more as my throat burned for air.

"Names? I need names?" He growled through gritted teeth.

"A pack of Slaves! Thier leader is named Cerberus!" I yell out and I heard him chuckle a dark and sinister chuckle.

"So that is where you ran, aye, Cerberus?" He said to himself and I felt fear but also hope.

"I am going to offer you a proposal. Are you in?" He asked me as I nod franticly. He smiled and threw me to the ground.

"Let go and plan!" He yells and I stood up and glanced at my fathers lifeless body. A tear left my eye and I looked down in pain of losing him as I looked up at Lorcan's fleeing figure and rushed off to follow him.

End of Flashback-

"So what is your proposal?" I asked cautiously.

He stared at me while leaning back in his chair.

"I want revenge on Cerberus, because he took my daughter with out permission. And I can see you want his spot as Alpha, am I wrong?" He said and I shook my head no.

"No, you aren't wrong, but how will I get close? If I step foot in the land again his pack will kill me. He has the warriors from my pack let alone his own fighter wolves." I tell him and he chuckles while shaking his head.

"You will soon learn to put faith in me. Now, here is the plan." He said and he leans forward in his chair.

"You will scope out the area and then report back to me. Your an alpha so your presence is feared by most unless of course its another alpha. Then once I have enough information I want you to start to convince wolves that are on patrol to join you in over throwing Cerberus. My guess is to target your pack first then his. Once that has happened you can take you and your small pack of inside wolves and surround him with out him knowing and kill him and bring me back my daughter." He said to me and I nod.

"When do we start?" I asked and saw him smile.


Cerberus POV

I walk down stairs and saw Squeak laying on the couch past out with two girls next to him. I then saw Glad on the floor with a bottle in hand still and I laugh. I then saw Rage through the crack in the open door as I press it open slowly and saw him sitting on the window seal looking out over the pack.

I step inside and shut the door a bit as i walk over to his side and also look out it.

I see children running and playing. Mate talking and laughing. Wolves running and jumping.

"See that? That is a pack. We are wolves Cerberus. We are wolves and they are them." He hissed out as he stood up and scrunched his nose up.

"You completed the bond last night? I can smell her dreadful sent all over you." He growled out and something in me snapped as I grab his shirt and pin his to the wall next to the window.

"Don't talk about her like that!" I growl out and he stares at me.

"She is our worse enemy. Her kind in slaved us. Her kind tortured us. Her kind made us kill eachother!" He growled out and I snapped back.

"Yeah, but she didn't! She had no control over what her kind can do! She has no control over them! She is her and I am me! I never even knew about a pack! She was the only one who cared about me in the fuckin house I saw as hell! She was there for me and she will always be there for me! She will always be here for the pack!" I growl at him and he stares at me.

"I just don't want to see her destroy you." He growls out and pulls my hands from his shirt and I let him as I stay standing where I was.

"Goon morning Luna." Mumbled out Rage as he walked out of the room. I tense up and turn around.

"Did you..." I started.

"Hear what he said? Yeah, and I think he is right. I am one of your enemies." She said and I felt hurt and worried she is thinking of running away from me.

"But,  you are also right." She said as she steps towards me.

"I will take care of this pack forever and always. This pack is yours and so I will care for it just as I care for you." She said and I smile.

"Thank you." I say as I lean in for a kiss and then I heard it.

I pull back and listen.

Bump bump.

I look at her and then I heard it again but this time there are two.

Bump bump. Bump bump.

I stare into her eyes and she stares at me.

"I'm pregnant." She looked at me with a smile and I add, "With twins."

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