Chapter 28

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Dean parked in front of the apartment and hopped out of Baby. Curious, he went and unlocked her trunk, opening it to find a tire iron, some trash, and a shopping bag that he had apparently forgotten about. He didn't think he could have smiled anymore today.

"Would you look at that, Baby. We're civilians."

When he looked up, there was a girl standing across the street. She was wearing a white shirt and a skirt. She didn't say anything or move, just looked at him. He started to walk toward her, wanting to know if she was okay. Suddenly, a car horn blared out, and he jumped back as an SUV almost hit him. When he looked for the girl again, she was gone. Shaking his head, he walked up to the the apartment he shared with Anna. He fumbled with the keys for a moment, then unlocked the door.

"Anna?" he called, looking around. She came padding into the living room in bare feet. She was holding her hair up with her hand, and had a silver dress half on, the shimmering fabric loose where it was half unzipped. She smiled warmly.

"Hey, handsome." She murmured, silver grey eyes flashing as she rose up on her toes to kiss him gently. When she dropped back down, concern had filled her eyes.

"Are you okay? Your mom called. Is she all right?" Dean was still trying to deal with what she was wearing, or rather, what she was only half wearing.

"Um, yeah, yeah, just... Needed to go home, I guess." She smiled in relief.

"I get that. Hey!" Anna turned around. "Since you're here now, can you zip me up?" Dean was floored again. Her tanned, unscarred back was blocked only by the shape of the dress she was in. Realizing that he could, he stepped forward and ran a hand down her back, leaning down to leave burning kisses on her neck, trailing down slowly. She moaned and leaned back, tilting her head to give him better access. He put his hands on her hips and pulled her tight to him, every repressed fantasy suddenly playing in his mind. She pulled away gently and laughed.

"Dean! We don't have time, we might be late as is!" She looked over her shoulder flirtatiously.

"Now zip me up and go get dressed, and maybe there's something in it for you later." He groaned and caught her mouth again, running his tongue along her bottom lip, then lifted his head and grinned at her. His green eyes met her grey, and for once, he could read exactly what was running through her head. He smiled, planting one last kiss on her soft mouth.

"Anything for you sweetheart. Anything at all."

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