Chapter 3

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Anna grunted as she raced down the street, the harpy flapping after her.

"Minotaur shit. Why can't demigods retire?" She panted. The harpy screeched as Anna dodged under a covered pathway. She slowed just enough that she could reach for the celestial bronze dagger she had strapped under her skirt. She twisted around and flung her only weapon at the wrinkled and haggard flying bird woman. The dagger embedded itself into the center of the harpy's forehead and with a final defiant screech the bird dissolved into the typical sand that all mythological beasties turn into when sent back to Tartarus.

She sighed as she picked up her knife, wiping it down before tucking it back into the sheath on her leg. Stone sober and cold she began to walk back towards her apartment, praying to the gods that her roommate and her boyfriend had finished by then.

As she walked by Sam and Jess's building she noticed a black muscle car pull up outside of it. An owl hooted softly and Anna immediately perked up. Too many years spent fighting for survival left her with both an acute intuition and deep seated paranoia. She wasn't sure which one the car had triggered but she was pretty sure that the owl was an omen. Athena was telling her something. She crept closer, cursing the rustling of the tulle tutu she was still wearing. A Greek in the Bay Area attracts lots of unwanted attention and she could never be too careful with both herself and the mortal friends she makes.

Watching from the shadows, she watches as a man climbs out of the car. He surveys his perimeter, exactly as she had watched so many campers do when she trains them in the woods. He completely missed her; just like she wanted. The man's alertness sent serious alarms in her head. He began to climb up the fire escape before finally coming to a stop outside Sam's window. He began to jimmy the lock.

Anna swore a blue streak as she ran across the street. If it has been any other apartment she would have called campus security and the police and washed her hands of it. The man was clearly not a mythological problem. Therefore it was not her responsibility. But she wasn't the type to leave her friends hanging. She pulled out the older flip phone, a model that was harder for monsters to track her with and more difficult to destroy than a chimera. She dialed Sam as she raced up the ladder. The phone went to voicemail. Anna swore as she dialed again. As she dialed a third time the man had vanished into the apartment. Anna called campus security, giving the address and reporting a suspicious character trying to break into the apartment. Hanging up she raced up the ladder after the intruder.


She swung her legs through the window, tucking and rolling into the room silently. A loud crash come from the other room. Anna forced herself to stay calm and quiet. Logically, Sam was not a small man, and unless the intruder had a gun he was probably ok. Anna rounded the corner to see Sam hauling the other man around. The intruder threw a punch that Sam neatly dodged. Anna came at the other man from the other side, as if she had come from the front door instead of the kitchen window. They both hit the ground and Anna ended up on bottom. The other man had bright green eyes, she quickly threw him off of her and held him in a stern half Nelson. She yanked him to his knees.

"Sam I called you three times that someone was breaking into your apartment. You didn't pick up once." Anna scolded, throwing her friend off to the fact that she just appeared in his apartment. Sam didn't seem to hear her, instead was staring at the man she had locked in her arms, flabbergasted.

"Dean?" He said incredulously.

Anna looked closer at the man whose arm she was twisting rather cruelly. She could see a small resemblance between the two.

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