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Family and friends have descended on Elena and she only saw Joel for a short while, as he came to visit ther that afternoon. With Gavin around nearly all the time, since he was not really needed he stayed away.

Until, of course, Aiden called him, as Elena asked for Joel to drive her home from the hospital.

"She is working?" Joel  said as he saw Elena on the phone, and typing out something on her tablet.

"Even though, Ms Bennett is on top of things, she just had to make sure things are up to speed." Aiden said. "It's Elena. She'll be in that factory like nothing ever happened.

Joel learnt by now that Elena was a workaholic and it was very hard to keep her away from the factory.

"She is like a new Ms Gilber, since she woke up." Aiden said.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know- she - just is. I can't explain it. The whole work ethic is there - but she is not herself. I can't put my finger on it, though." Aiden explained.

As Elena finished the conversation, she waved them in.

"Can you take this bag, Joel, please." Elena gestured to the chair.  Joel couldn't see any difference in her. She was still kind in her manner.

And  as theg got to the Mansion a little while later. Elena wanted a moment on her own with him.

"Thank you for  being there- a nurse told me that you were there every day while I  was- comatose. Sometimes it felt like I could hear things, but maybe it was just my imagination. Anyway, thanks a lot. I don't know what I've done to deserve this."

"It was nothing - I - you have been more than kind to me and -" Joel paused, struggling with his emotions, wanting to go over to her and embrace her, tell her how he felt. But, there was this line between them like a strange magical boundary keeping them apart.

Elena looked at him dearly. "I've done nothing really. And now you will be now driving, Abby Bennett, the acting CEO, till I get fully fit."

"Yes, Aiden has informed me." Joel said.

"Yes. He is always on top of things. Well,  I will- see you when I - get the all clear and can go back to the factory."

"Yes- right- I will see you, then." Joel said and with their usual little nods exchanged he exited the study.


And so, Joel was busy, driving Ms Abby Bennett from one meeting or another. As the got talking one day, he soon found out that she was also from Whitmore, and that she was the granddaughter of Sheila Bennett and Bonnie Bennett's mother.

"Talk about this world being so small." Abby said to Joel.

"Too small, I guess." Joel remarked.

"Yes. Ok. So tomorrow, I am flying to the Conference in Mexico City, but you don't have to take me to the airport, my boyfriend will take me. He is coming with me. Have the weekend off. Thanks. I will see you on Monday."

"Can I ask you a huge favour. On Monday is Ms Gilbert's birthday, and I had this custom made present made. Can you pick it up and take it to the Mansion. It will be ready on Monday morning, but I will be back on Tuesday. I want her to have it." Abby said.

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