First Day of School

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*Has not been edited*



X's Pov

Today I woke up early. Took a shower. Dressed in my school uniform. Put on my white ceramic Ookami mask, and headed down stairs for breakfast. Nobody was there, I looked at the clock. It read 5:35 am. I made breakfast and ate in silence. This is how I spend most of my mornings, especally since I lived with that werewolf, before all the confict happened. The calm before the storm.

When I was done, I washed the dishes I dirtied. I packed the black messenger bag with my school supplies and walked to the acadamy. It was 6:15 when I got there. As I stood at the foot of the large acadamy, wondering what I would learn, what new conflicts would arrive, and if I could make any friends.

"See Soul I'm not the only one that waits for 2 hours for school to start!" a voice said beind me. I turned around and saw a white haired boy with sharp teeth and red eyes, the girl had ash blonde hair pulled up in pig-tails and green eyes. I just stared.

"Hi my name is Maka and this is my partner, Soul." Maka said. "So you must be the new kid." Soul said. I nodded, "Can you speak at all?" Soul said. I smiled behind my mask, of course they couldn't see my face. "Maka Chop!" and Maka slammed a 5 inch thick book into Soul's head.

Soul lay sprawled on the ground, "Sorry about him, he's a little insensitive." she said.


I might try with this story again O-O but this is what i had on wattpad before i like abandoned this story

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