They looked through the menu. Louis looked up in a mad mood.

"What's wrong Lou?" Harry asked.

Louis noticed the waitress walk by and stopped her.

"Excuse me." Louis said.

"Yes sir?" She asked.

"I'm wanting a kid menu please." Louis said.

"O-okay sir." She said. She walked away with a puzzled look on her face.

"She must be new." Louis rolled his eyes.

The lady came back with the kids menu.

"Than--..... Excuse me mam!" Louis said.

The lady blew out. "Yes sir?"

"Where are the crayons?" Louis asked annoyed.

"I'll get some for you right away sir." The waitress said through her teeth.

She walked away. Everyone at the table looked at Louis in an unsure way.

"What are you getting?" Zayn asked.

Louis answered. "Pancakes! And I want bacon on the side. With extra syrup!"

"Probably country fried steak." Olivia said.

"Sounds de--" Liam got interrupted.

"Here are your crayons sir." The waitress tossed them on the table.

Louis picked them up and poured them out of the box. He colored.

"Are you ready to order or do you need a few minutes?"

"I think were ready." Zayn answered. "I'll have the meatloaf with mashed potatoes."

She wrote that down.

"I want the salad." Liam said "house salad with everything on it."

"Louis!!!" Harry shouted.

"What?" Louis looked at him confused.

"Tell her what you want."

"Oh, I want two pancakes and bacon on the side." Louis answered.

"And I'll have the chicken fingers." Olivia said.

"I nought you wanted country fried steak?" Liam questioned.

"Na, I changed my mind."

"As always." Elizabeth sat back in her chair and rolled her eyes.

They all told her what they wanted and she left.

"Hey want to play a game to fill in time?" Elizabeth asked.

"Oo! Is it the riddles?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, it's really fun! Harry and I play it with each-other all the time."

"Okay! What's the first riddle?" Liam asked.

"Okay, I have no eyes, ears, tongue or nose. Yet, I see, hear, taste, and smell everything. What am I?" Elizabeth asked.

"Ummm, a cloud." Liam questioned.

"It's pretty obvious." Zayn said quietly from the other side of the large table.

"What?" Liam asked.

"It's obviously the brain." Zayn said.

Liam looked at Elizabeth.

"He's right." She said.

"Wow, Zayn, how did you know?" Liam asked.

"Well it's just you know the brain doesn't have eyes, nose, tongue, or ears. But it can smell, hear, taste and see. Otherwise what would the brain be?" Zayn said.

"Wow." Liam said sitting back in his chair shocked.

Harry was sitting in the opposite end of Zayn on the same row. Harry leaned over the table and looked at Zayn. "Okay, okay. You think your so cleaver? How about this one!" Harry shouted.

"Hit me." Zayn answered.

"I take what you receive and surrender it all by waving my flag. What am I?" Harry said. He sat back and acted like he whipped some dirt off his shoulder.

"It's a mailbox." Zayn said.

Harry was surprised. "Wow Zayn! That's impressive!"

"How do you do it!?" Liam asked.

"Well I love riddles! I do them when I'm not talking--" Zayn gets interrupted.

"So all the time." Harry said.

"No, I do them when I'm not talking or not watching tv to not busy." Zayn states.

"Sounds like fun, have you ever heard the riddles Elizabeth and I told you?" Harry asked.

"No." Zayn answered.

"Yes." Harry said with excitement quietly.

The waitress came with there food. Louis folded his coloring book and tossed he crayons in front of him as he saw his pancakes coming down to him.

The waitress named off all the orders and handed them out to everyone at the table. Them she left.

"Mmmm!" Olivia said. "Looks delicious!"

"Scrumptious!" Elizabeth smiled as she cut her pancakes.

The waitress came back to the table with cokes. She set them down and took. Couple other cups. They all crowed down on their food sn chit chat with each-other. As they finished up eating the waitress came and gave them their receipt.

Maura picked up the bill and took out her credit card.

"You don't need to do that!" Elizabeth exclaimed.

"No no. You have all been so kind and deserve a treat." Maura said.

"But Maura you have done so much for us and you deserve a nice treat!" Harry said.

Maura stood up. "Na it's okay." She walked to the gift shop and payed. Everyone else continued nibbling until they realized Maura was done. They stood up and left the building.

"Thank you. It was really good!" Louis said.

They all thanked Maura and got in the car. They drove to the zoo and parked in the front. They got out and payed for their entry and walked in.

"So Louis since you picked to go here, what is it you wanted to do first?" Elizabeth asked looking around the zoo.

There was no answer.

"Louis!" Elizabeth said.

Still no answer.

"Louis? Where did you go?" Elizabeth shouted waking around the area they were in.

"Oh my goodness! Louis can't stay unattended! He's only a child!" Harry shouted trying to help Elizabeth look for Louis.

"Oh no!" Liam helped search the area.

"We just got here!" Zayn said.

They all looked around for Louis in the entry. They looked lost.

Horan's Runaway (Niall Horan) A.U.Where stories live. Discover now