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Niall and Olivia drove home and got out of the car. They walked down the hill, across the road, and through two buildings. They jumped in the hole and put the lid back over them.

"Olivia, Niall!" Master Simon shouted. "You're finally here."

"Yeah we stopped to get a coffee." Olivia said.

"Now were just waiting on Louis and Sarina." Simon told them.

"Ugh.... They are always late. Get me some water!" Salina commanded.

"Salina, who are you talking to?" Zayn asked.

"Uh... Duh... You!" Salina said.

"Don't you dare bark at me like that." Zayn commanded.

"Why....??" Salina said popping her hip out.

"It's very rude and--" Zayn got interrupted.

"Just got get me some water!" Salina shouts.

Zayn stands up and Salina sat down next to Liam. Liam puts his hand on Salina's thigh. Salina looks up at him and has their noses touching. Zayn walks to the water machine right behind Harry. He grabs a cup and starts filling it with water. Harry reaches over and pinches his bum to get his attention. Zayn jumps and spills Salina's water.

"Dude!" Zayn says.

"You actually stood up for yourself for once. Your usually so quiet and .....mememe....." Harry said that last part like a little baby chick.

Zayn rolled his eyes and filled her water back up. He turns on his heel and walks way around Harry. Harry laughed with no noise.

"Here is your water Miss. Salina." Zayn said politely.

"Took ya long enough, rugrat." Salina replied.

Zayn walked away back to his seat across the table from her. Louis and Sarina walked in laughing and holding hands.

"We'll finally!" Liam said.

"Where just on time!" Sarina said looking at Louis and giggling a bit.

Niall, Harry, and Zayn made a funky face at them.

"Okay let's get on with it!" Master Simon said.

Louis and Sarina had a seat next to each other beside the master.

"Okay." Master Simon said pulling out a map. "We'll have two teams. Team number one. That's Olivia's team, will be traveling this way. Team number two, Elizabeth's team, will go this way. Team number one will be traveling in this boat. And team number two will be traveling in this boat." Mater Simon pointed at two different boats.

"How are we gonna know where the other team is!?" Zayn asked.

"I will give you these walkie-talkies." Master Simon held up 2 walkie-talkies.

"Why don't we use our phones?" Harry asked.

"Because then we could be tracked down." Simon said.

Everyone nods with the I get it now face.

"Okay let's hop to it fellas!" Simon said.

"Are you coming with us?" Elizabeth asked.

"That is a big NO! I can hear you both through your walkie-talkies, so if their is a problem I will know." Simon said.

"Can you talk through them too?" Harry asked.

"Nope." Master Simon answered.

"Oh!" Zayn said.

"Okay hop in the boats at the dock, they are at the far right where nobody ever parks their boat."

"Okay, let's go, come on people." Harry said clapping his hands together repeatedly.

Everyone walked out together quietly packed up in a bunch. They don't wanna be to loud and expose their hiding spot. Harry popped the lid up and jumped out. He helped Elizabeth out. They backed up and watched Niall come out and help Olivia out. He also helped Sarina out and Louis. Salina shoed him away like a fly. Liam jumped out and helped Salina. Zayn jumped out by himself and closed the lid behind him. It was just after 9:30 at night while they were all jumping out. They didn't want to go out in the day and get caught. They walked down the path in some trees by the highway, but not to close. As they were walking a little further they saw something walking near them. Zayn put his hand on his forehead like a soldier and squinted his eyes.

"Hid!" Zayn shouted in a whisper tone.

"Where are we suppose to hid in this stripped forest by the highway." Salina asked

Olivia rolled her but nobody saw cause it was dark. "Behind the trees, you fool."

They waddled to separate trees near each other and watched as that thing moved around.

"It's getting closer!" Zayn whispered.

"Shhhh....." Elizabeth said.

"Here it comes." Liam said snuggled up in a ball.

Horan's Runaway (Niall Horan) A.U.Where stories live. Discover now