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"First we take my car to the dock. We take our boat down to this area right here and stay the night, cause you know we'll be tired." Harry said.

"Tired, just cause were tired doesn't mean we need to sleep." Niall stated.

"Were gonna need our rest to hold back the Russians, Niall." Elizabeth said.

"Oh yeah, true dat!" Niall said.

"Okay, when we wake up, were gonna plop back in the boat and hide here in this area. We wait and watch. We get ready for them to stop here."

"Why are they stopping there anyway?" Niall asked.

"Cause that's where their master is!" Olivia said.

"Oh makes much more since to me now!" Niall said.

"Yeah, then when we see them come out we attack. We don't want to kill just still our other ancient artifact they have." Harry said.

"By the way Niall, they took the Dropa Stones we were studying." Elizabeth said.

"What in the world is that?!" Niall questioned.

"We'll show you!" Olivia said.

"Buried in the dust of ages in the cave floor were hundreds of stone disk. Measuring about 9inches in diameter, each had a circle cut into the middle of it and was etched with a spiral groove. They were found cause in 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tel into the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of China made and astonishing discovery in some caves that have apparently been occupied by some ancient culture." Elizabeth said.

"Okay okay! I'll wait till you show me!" Niall stopped Elizabeth.

"Ha! To much geography!?" Harry asked.

"No no. I love that subject it's just..... I don't feel like learning." Niall answered.

"Okay gotcha, I have that feeling sometimes." Olivia said.

"Sometimes!? More like all the time!" Elizabeth laughed.

"Then how in the world did she manage to work for this if she doesn't like learning or thinking!?" Niall was backing Olivia up.

"True dat, Niall! True dat." Elizabeth said.

"So we got the path all figured out. Now we just gotta figure out where they would hide their treasures." Harry said.

"I'm sure Liam would figure that one out!" Olivia said.

"Yeah, I'm sure he does, I'll call to find out." Elizabeth said.

Elizabeth walked over near the stairs and called Liam.

"So what did you do before the incident?!" Harry asked.

"I was an engineer with my dad." Niall said.

"Oh." Harry said depressed.

"What wrong Harry?! What did you do?" Niall asked.

"I worked at a bakery." Harry responded.

"Why did you look so sad when I was talking about my job with my dad?!" Niall asked.

"We'll my mum and my dad got in a divorce when I was 7, my mum is remarried to a great guy, but I kinda miss when they were together." Harry said.

"I know what you mean, Harry." Olivia said.

"Yeah I heard, Elizabeth told me all about your parents divorce. It was about the same as my parents." Harry said.

"You already told her?!" Niall said.

"Nope, since were sisters, she already knew." Olivia said.

"Oh makes since!" Niall said.

"Everything makes since to you doesn't it lad?!" Harry said.

"Most things, yes." Niall laughed.

Elizabeth walked over to Harry, Niall, and Olivia.

"He's got a plan. When we all get together at Master Simon's we'll discuss." Elizabeth said.

"Good good!" Harry replied.

"We'll were done here." Olivia said. "You can drop us off at my place."

"Why are you in such a hurry?!" Harry asked.

"We'll, I'm gonna bring Niall to Walmart and get him some clothes and a brush." Olivia answered.

"Oh, okay! Hop in the car." Harry said.

Harry grabbed his keys and his shades, he opened the garage door and everyone hopped in the car. Harry put on his sunglasses and closed the garage door. He pulled out the driveway and left the neighborhood. He drove to Olivia's house. Elizabeth turned on Backstreet Boys for background music. They pulled into Olivia's driveway. Elizabeth turned around and said goodbye.

"Bye guys thanks for everything!" Niall said.

"Okay your welcome. Have fun! Goodbye!" Harry said looking in the mirror.

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