Chapter 1: The Ana Society

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It's been 5 years since my accident, now i'm a Sophomore in highschool. I'm 16 years old and i've changed alot since 5th grade.

"Dani can I get them digits?" Phillip said as he walked with me down the hall.

I guess he forgot what he did to me in middle school. Ha the jokes on him.

"No Phillip."

"Why not?"

"Because you're a jerk." I replied.

He grabbed me by the waist, "Come on, dont be like that."

"Get your hands off me." I said one second away from beating his dick through his head.

"Hey, is there a problem here."

I turned around to see Ryan, my extremely hot boyfriend.

" No man." Phillip said as if he was afraid.

Me and Ryan were the hottest couple in the school. We basically were the Queen and King of our grade. Nobody dared to approach us.

"Then i'd appriciate it if you took your dirty hands off my lady." Ryan said.

I smirked. Phillip backed away with his hands in the air.

"Hey babe." Ryan said as he leaned down to kiss me.

My life couldn't have been any better than this.

" Let's skip." He said sounding convincing.

"Babe, you know i have this big test in history. I can't miss that."

" Being with me is better."

"It is, but i'm not going to fail."

"Fine." He said as he kissed me one last time.

I walked into the classroom and took my seat.

"Dani sit over here!" Amanda yelled.

I got my things and moved to the back of the room.

"So what's the scoop?" I asked.

" So apparently Mark has STDs and he passed them to Sarah."

"I heard he got them from Amanda B!"

"Amanda B is a h.o.e."

I listened to the latest gossip but I stayed quiet.

" She's fat and disgusting."

I looked at Amanda and the girls as they laughed about it.

"Why aren't you laughing?" Amanda asked.

"Because that's not funny."

The girls suddenly stopped laughing and they got quiet.

"Sorry." Kaityln said sincerely.

Ms.Jacobs finally started teaching us but 6 minutes into the lesson I got a strange text.

" I know your secret. You have 5 minutes to get to the girls bathroom. The one at the very end of the hall. Or else."

What the hell was this. Pretty Little Liars?

"Um excuse me, but can i go to the restroom?" I asked out loud.

" I am teaching."

"But i really need to go."


I got up and headed out of the door. I walked to the end of the hallway and stopped at the girls restroom. I've heard lots of rumors about this place. I've heard someone even killed themselves in there.  

I went inside to find 5 girls waiting.

"What the hell is this?" I asked.

" So you came." A girl who was looking in the mirror and applying lipstick.

"I asked a question." I said.

"Welcome to the Ana Society." She said with a smile.

"Ana Society... As in Anorexic?" I put my hands up and turned around, "Im out."

"Look, we know how big you used to be in middle school. Your body is perfect now, don't tell me you seriously lost that by being healthy."

" I did!"

" Bullshit. Look, we want to help people the best way we know we can. We are here to make people feel better about themselves. We lost a memeber so... Now we're asking you to join us."

"I'm sorry, but i'll pass."

"It's fine, i can see you're gaining your weight back anyways. Your loss."

I stopped, terrified at what she just said.

"You think you can fool me with that? Think again."

"Well if you change your mind," she handed me a piece of paper with a website on it, "You can find me here."

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