A Transformation

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Chapter 8

Emma had just learned how to use lightning when Crystal annouced Rose was the match! She had taken longer than expected but was able to succed. Emma and Crystal went to the living room which Emma now calls the meeting room. Everybody was waiting for Moreen and Rose to exit from the water door. As they waited, the girls talked about how they had to prove themselves.

"I was placed in the middle of a ring of fire! In order to prove myself I had to extinguish it with my mind. It was hard but I did it. Now I'm learning how to create one! After I learned, I put Max in one!" Kat laughed.

"Really?! Lucky. I was tangled in vines and had to make them let me go by telling them to. I mean I love nature but not that much. Anyway, I asked politly and they listened! I was so shocked when they released me. Now I'm learning more about communicating to nature." Val said making a flower bloom in her hair.

"Cool!" Emma said. Then Val put an orchid in Emma's hair and a snapdragon in Kat's.

"Cute. So Emma, what was your test?" Kat said looking at her flower then at Emma. Val looked at her too, waiting for a response

"Oh, well. Crystal used the air to place me on the ceiling. In order to get down I had to concentrate on coming back down. Which I did. Now I'm learning how to make tornadoes and use lightning." Emma said showing the girls a mini tornado.

Just then the water door appeared! Moreen step out first and gave a nod to Crystal telling her that Rose was indeed the water element they need. Emma was so happy she jump and flew to the ceiling, hitting her head. Crystal brought her back down.

"Remember, your power is connected to your emotion. While it is an advantage, it is also a weakness." Crystal told Emma when she sat back down.

"Got it. Now, where is Rose?" Emma said.

Just then, Rose emerged from the door with a smile as large as the Grand Canyon!

"Damn girl, that's the biggest ass smile I've ever seen!" Kat laughed.

"I know right!" Val said

"I'm just so excited!" Rose said

"Because your an element?" Emma asked

"Well that and I get a costume." Rose said.

"What?! How come she gets a costume?" Kat questioned Max

"Don't worry. Now that all elements are present we can reveal your costumes!" Max said excited

"Great! Where do we get them?" Val asked

Crystal, Max, Evelyn, and Moreen laughed. However Moreen sounded like she was coaking on a dead rat. The girls all looked at each other.

"What did I say something?" Val asked

"Sorry, but you can't just pick up your costume." Max said wiping tears from his eyes

"Then how do we get them? Don't tell me we have to make." Kat asked

"No, your elemets create the costumes to match your style, element, personality, and skill." Max said

"Cool." Rose said sitting next to her sister, who gave her a big hug.

"That is pretty cool. Can you guys show us how to get our costumes?" Val asked

"Sure. Girls head to your practice rooms and wait for your mentor. In the meantime practice what you've been taught." Crystal ordered

"Alright. Well see you later sis." Emma said getting up and waving

"Bye, Emma." Rose said as Moreen put her arm around Rose

The Elemental Sisters  =Book1=Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin