The Fourth One

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Chapter 6

Emma and Crystal reached the living room to find the others there. Including Moreen! Kat and Val turned around to see Emma and ran towards her.

"Emma!" They both shouted hugging her.

"Hey guys. I heard you passed the trial!" Emma said squeling. Crystal walked over to sit next to Max.

"Yeah, turns out I control nature!" Val said showing little vines that grew on her hands.

"And I control fire!" Kat said using her finger like a lighter and a small flame lit.

"Wow, that's so cool. Val can you get those off? And Kat can you stop or does that continue?" Emma questioned

"Sure." The both said. Val's vines swiveled up and disappered and Kat's flame went out.

"Cool!" Emma said

"What is your power?" Val asked

"Yeah what can you do?" Kat said investigating Emma

"Oh, I can do this." Emma said and closed her eyes. Then thought of levitating and soon her feet where off the ground and her hands reached the ceiling. Then she looked down at her friends frozen in amazment.

"Woah, that's so cool. Maybe now you can fly me to school."Kat said laughing and Max did too. As usual.

"Can you get down, Emma?" Val asked wondering

"Oh yeah I learned that too." Emma closed her eyes again and then thought of touching the ground. Then opened her eyes to see her friends mouths hanging open like doors.

"Sorry to break your fun , but we are missing a member of the group." Crystal said.

"What do you mean? Grouchy old Moreen is here." Kat said as she and Max laughed.

Moreen gave a cold look at Kat and then out of nowhere water fell on her head.

"Ugh," Kat said wiping water from her eyes,"I guess your power is water."

"What gave it away." Moreen said sarcastically.

"Moreen, stop tortuing the poor girl. Let me fix your hair." Crystal said sending a breeze that dried Kat's hair. It looked like it was never soaked in the first place.

"Wow, thanks Crystal." Kat said looking at her hair. Moreen's smile turned to a frown.

"Now, what is this talk about missing a member?" Emma said sitting across from Crystal. Her friends sitting next to her.

"Well, as you know there are 4 elementals. Right now we only have 3. Air, fire, and earth." Crystal said.

"Where are we supposed to find water?" Evelyn asked.

"I can always come out of retirement." Moreen suggested

"No, thank you. I think I want to keep my life as dry as possible." Kat said giving a Moreen a stare and Moreen sent one back.

"Besides, your magic is almost gone." Crystal said.

"So where is our water element?" Evelyn asked.

Just then Emma got a text. It was Rose again:

Hey you there yet?

Emma replied:

Yeah I'll send a pic of us inside then outside. K?

Then Rose:

K. Bye.

Then an idea struck Emma.

"Hey Crystal. If an element has power can a sibling have powers too?" Emma asked

"Why, yes. Max and I are brother and sister. But we are all an elemental family." Crystal said giving Max a hug on his arm.

"Why do you ask? Do you have a sibling?" Evelyn questioned

"Actuall she does. A younger sister named Rose." Kat said smiling

"That's great. We must meet her and see if she is the one!" Crystal rejoiced at this news. However, Emma did not.

The girls headed to Val's after scheudling a meeting with Rose and Moreen. When they reached home, Kat and Val could do nothing but scream with excitment. Emma didn't.

"Emma what's wrong?" Val said sensing Emma's sadness

"Oh, it's nothing." Emma said reassuring

"Don't try to fool us. We can sense your pain. Man I love my powers!" Kat said

"Glad you do." Emma turned to face the wall.

"Please tell us your problem." Val asked sweetly

Emma let out a sigh and then gave in to Val's puppy dog eyes," Alright. Rose is my only sister. What if she doesn't have the power? What if they erase her memory? What if I have to keep my powers secret from her? I never keep secrets from her. Oh, what am I going to do."

Emma place her head in her lap and let out tears of fear. And started to think: I hope I don't fuck this up. I hope I don't fuck up Rose's life. I hope I don't...

Then another voice entered Emma's mind. But it wasn't her's! It was Val's!

You won't fuck up anybody's life. So stop over-reacting. Please.

Emma looked up to see Val sitting next to her.

"How did you get in my head?" Emma looked confused

"Wait, you were in her head?" Kat ran over to the girls

"Yeah, it's a power Evelyn taught me. I can talk to anything naturual. Including the human mind!" Val said to the girls.

Like how I'm talking to the both of you right now!- Val said to them

"Woah, that's so cool." Kat yelled

"Yeah, totally." Emma wasn't too happy about it. She felt her thoughts were no longer private

"Hey, Kat, I have some candy downstairs in a jar. Bring some up, please." Val looked at Kat, who nodded at the request.

"So,now that we're alone can I ask you to leave my head alone." Emma angrily asked

"Listen, Emma. I'm sorry I did that. I just want you to know you'll be fine and so will your sister." Val gave Emma a shoulder hug just as Kat was rushing up the stairs.

"Hey what did I miss." Kat asked as both Val and Emma smiled at her.

Now Emma felt more comfortable with her friends around. She was ready to see what was going to happen to Rose.

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