Friend Zoned {21} END

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                “I don’t want to,” I said.

                “I don’t care,” Ethan said.

                “I hate you,” I told him.

                “I don’t care,” Ethan said.

                “You can’t keep saying that,” I said in annoyance.

                “I don’t care,” Ethan said.

                “Ethan,” I groaned.

                “I like it when you groan my name,” he said with a wink.

                “Pervert,” I grumbled. “Anyways, I don’t want to.”

                “Well, that sucks,” Ethan said. “But we’re going outside and you’re going to pretend you care so that I can get food.”

                My parents were having a cookout, and right now it was just me and Ethan. We were sitting in my bedroom, but Ethan’s stomach was growling stubbornly. I didn’t feel like going outside and having social interaction though.

                “Maybe Gideon will be there. Oh, in that case, I’ll go alone. Then I can steal him away from you,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.

                “Hey! Hands off my boyfriend! I worked way too hard to get him,” I said with a pout.

                “I would not work that hard just to date a guy,” he said, laughing.

                I shrugged. “You say that now.”

                “And I mean it,” he said, jumping off my bed. “I’m also seriously considering cannibalism, and not in the sexy way. So let’s go eat already.”

                I forced myself to get off of my bed and miserably followed Ethan out of my bedroom and out to my backyard. Our neighbors and some family members were scatted through my backyard, talking and eating.

                “Mr. Bryant, my insides are feasting on themselves in desperate hunger. Any chance there are burgers left over?” Ethan asked my dad.

                Dad laughed and nodded. “Sure Ethan! Do you want a cheeseburger? I have a couple of those just about ready.”

                “A cheeseburger sounds like a gourmet feast at this point,” Ethan said.

                Dad laughed again and nodded, turning back to the grill. My parents had informed me that they were extremely fond of Ethan. My mom called him an “adorable little ball of sarcasm”.

                Dad handed a cheeseburger to Ethan and one to me. I led Ethan over to the table set up outside and we sat down together. Ethan dug into his burger hungrily.

                My vision suddenly went black as hands came down over my eyes. “Guess who!”

                “Hi Gideon,” I said with a smile.

                He pulled his hands away, sitting next to me and kissing me. Sonnet and Will sat down across from us.

                “Hi Will,” I said in surprise.

Friend Zoned [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now