Chapter 3

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 We arrived at school and as soon as I walked in, I was pointed at. People started laughing. Why are they laughing? I kept on walking and I was greeted by a pencil to the head. Why? Girls giggled at me while walking down the hallway. Then it hit me, literally. Someone threw a paper wad at my face. I opened it up. GAY FAGGOT in big, bold letters was sprawled across the white paper. I groaned. 

I got arrived in my homeroom and proceeded to sit in my seat. "Hey, fag. How's your day?" Matt asked. This made lots of people giggle and laugh. Wait, did Rian..? He wouldn't!   "Why are you calling me that?" I asked. He laughed and looked at his friends. "Ask Rian. He forwarded your text to the whole school." I squeezed my fists together, in anger. My knuckles turned white. Bzzzzt. I felt a small buzzing in my pocket. I grabbed my phone and read the new text. You can run, but you can't hide from it. Admit it. From a blocked number. I just shook it off and shoved it it in my pocket.

Hey. Not you, again. I just want to chat! Fine. What do you want? Alex. Enough with Alex! I'm not gay for him! As you think. I have a great feeling he's fallen in love with you. What makes you say that? Just a feeling, I guess. You two would make a cute couple. You're making me nervous. Sorry, Jack. It's fine. I don't know if I am, though. Trust me. Ask Alex out, do something! Make a move! Alright. Got to go, the bell.

First period, bring it on.

I'm finding this actually very frustrating, as I bet he assumed it would be. Bzzzzt. Great. It was done for a reason. Who the hell is this person and how did they get my number? Then Mr. Popular, Rian, comes walking in as if he owns the classroom. He walks by me without a care and talks to his popular friends. Douchebag. Know what the best part is? I got to sit next to the school gay, Toni. About every few seconds I'd get stroked by him. At one point I actually got a slip of paper with his number and all. Second through fourth was a living hell. Paper wads to the head, pencils thrown, name calling. God forbid one of them touches me. 

I want to chat for a minute. About what? You're handeling this well. I know who the blocked number is and why this happened. Tell me! You figure it out yourself. I can't do everything for you, Jack. Well I don't see why not. You're me. That may be true, but I'm much more wiser and smarter than you. Let's just say, I'm your light side. I'm the dark? No, you're the less sophisticated one is what I'm saying, anyways, just think. It happened for a reason so stop running from it and denying it. Who would it be? I don't know. Rian? You have his number. Think closely. Someone who has your number, and whoever gave it to him gave it for a reason. So it's a guy, since you said him. Yes. Someone I know? Yes. Alex? Yes. But I know why Rian gave him your number. Rian gave it away? Didn't I just say that? Well, yeah, but- Then yes. Go find out the reason why the number was given and why Rian showed the school your texts. See you soon, Jackie Chan.

I'm still very uncertain on why all this happened to me. It's a Saturday and all but, should I talk to Alex or not? I guess I'm going to have to face my fears. I opened up the chatroom. He was online.



"wuts up?"

"y did rian give u my number?"

"u rly want to no?"


It took him quite a while to type it but it sure did come out.

"Well, somehow he got mine, and said 'I'm giving out Jack's convo. about him being bi. Send these texts at these times' and he gave me the info. I was just waiting for you to realize why all this happened. If you really want to know what happened, here's why. I've fallen for you, Jack. I know we've only known each other for a week, maybe less, but you're really amazing. I didn't want you to run away from who you truely are. It may have been buried under a lot of things, but you are bi. And that does mean you are gay. I'm actually glad you found out and all. (:"

I'm actually glad he used all correct spelling and puncuation. But he has fallen for me? I may have fallen for him as well. My mind is still not so sure.

That old fart may not be, but I sure am. Who's the old fart? Your brain. You have fallen for Alex, head over heels. Don't let anything fool you. Make a move! Do something! What if it ruins our freindship? It won't. Now go!

"hey um would u lik to go on a date wen u come back here"

"im coming back nxt week"

"so is that a yes?"


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