He tried again and it ended up with the same results. He growled angrily and tried again. He didn't want to disappoint his sensei. He was so focused on what he was doing he didn't even notice when Hayate came up behind him. Hayate said placing his hand on Naruto's shoulder," Naruto calm down. I know it's frustrating for you but you must keep calm."

Naruto looked up at him his anger clear in his eyes. Hayate's eyes though were calm and understanding. Naruto calmed slightly and said," Yes sensei. Sorry I was just frustrated." Hayate nodded and stepped away now that his student was calm again. Naruto slowed his breathing and tried again. This time the kunai disappeared into the seal.

Hayate said looking up as he said," Again." Naruto looked up before nodding. He sent three more kunai into his seals. Hayate said patting him on the shoulder," Well done Naruto. Now how good is your taijutsu?"

He said running the back of his neck," It's not very good sensei. Not as bad as my genjutsu but still not very good." Hayate rubbed his face tiredly as he said," All right stand up. We will start working on that next."

Naruto was on his feet in an instant watching Hayate warily. He dodged a moment later when Hayate tried to attack him. Naruto had to keep moving as Hayate kept attacking him. As he stepped back away from a punch a leg came at him. It hit my square in the chest sending him flying. Naruto hit the nearest tree with a loud crack. :Ow, ow ow. Damn that hurt.: Naruto got up and was right back to dodging the man never giving him the chance to attack.

They did an hour of this before Hayate called an end to it. Hayate said," Let me see you wounds, Naruto." Naruto gave him a suspicious look. He may trust Hayate outside of training but at this moment he didn't trust him not to give him more injuries. Hayate sighed and said sitting in the grass," Naruto I won't do anything else. I just want to be sure that you don't have any broken bones."

Cautiously Naruto moved closer and sat in the grass next to the jounin. Hayate lifted his shirt pushing lightly on Naruto's ribs until he was satisfied. Every time he pushed on them Naruto would hide a wince but damn they hurt. After a moment Hayate said," Good they are not broken just bruised." Once Hayate was sure he didn't have any broken bones he went to one of the trees. He pulled out something from behind it. Naruto's eyes widened when he saw and recognized the shape. It was a sword.

Hayate held the sword out to Naruto watching him with an expectant look. He took the sword carefully from the sickly jounin and pulled the sword free of its sheath. The blade was made of tempered steel and had a faint blue tinge to it. On it also was the moon cycles. Hayate said drawing his own sword from the sheath on his back," I will teach you how to wield this blade. It will take time for you to master it and you must promise me not to use it without my permission. This is for your own protection. Do you accept my terms?"

Naruto nodded mutely staring at the gift. Hayate smiled slightly and said," Good be here at six am ready to train." Naruto said excitedly," Yes sensei!"

Hayate watched as he sealed the katana into one of his scrolls before running off. He went straight home to put his scrolls away before grabbing his headband. Today was the day that he was supposed to take his picture for his ninja id. He had almost forgotten in all the excitement of the morning. He put his headband on and ran off to the Hokage's tower.

He made his way directly to the Hokage's tower barely making it in time. Naruto gave have a cheeky grin to the camera and the old man that was a photograph glared at him. The man took the picture and handed it to him yelling for him to leave. The next stop was the Hokage's office. The old man looked up from his paperwork when he placed his id application on the desk.

Hokage said," I'm glad to see things are going well for you. You had me worried for a while. And you'll be pleased to note you've already got a C-class mission under your belt from taking on Mizuki. As he was a Chuunin, he should have been far above a Genin's capabilities, even with another Chuunin backing you up. As such, this village owes you its thanks. Without you, Mizuki would likely have succeeded."

Of Light and Darkness (Naruto/The Breaker/ Veritas Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now