"Sting. Let's go." Rogue demanded

"Don't lie to yourself Rogue, I know you want to talk to her. She was your childhood crush. And don't act like I haven't noticed you staring at her all day today." Sting chuckled.

My heart stopped. I wanted to turn around, I wanted to talk to him. I'm like a girl who was a crush on a boy in elementary school trying to sit next to him in class and hang out with him at recess.

Even though he was competition, I couldn't help myself but still like him.

I heard Azuka softly breathing on my neck. As I walked back to the guild. I felt sick. I couldn't believe I missed out on 7 years of everyone's lives. I know we're all past that but for some reason, during the night I get sad over things like that.. I was lost in my thought until I reached Fairy Tails inn.

I carefully handed Azuka back to Bisca and as she mouthed 'thank you.' I nodded and smiled. I went back into our rooms where Natsu and Gray were passed out...on the same bed.

I couldn't hold in my laughter in. But it didn't matter, they partied hard tonight, nothing could wake them up

Happy groaned. "(Y-y/n) is that you. H-help me!" I saw his little ear poking out from underneath Natsu. I walked over to him and rolled Natsu over. Accidentally a little too much. He fell off the bed and which caused a huge thump.

"Chicken wings" The fire mage mumbled in his sleep.
"Oh man I wish i was in the dream he's having." I whispered and chuckled.

"Thank you (y/n)" Happy groaned.
"I-I saw things t-that i never wanted to ever see tonight!" He looked scarred.

Too scared to ask, I walked away
meeting Lucy, Erza, and Alex on the balcony. I heard them laughing while looking at Natsu.

"Hey (y/n), where have you been?" Erza said with a smile.

"Azuka and I went on a little walk." I looked up at the stars.

Cosmo was glaring at me. When I made eye contact with her she folded her arms and looked away while making a 'humph' sound.

I grabbed her and ruffled her fur. "What's the matter?!" I asked with a big grin. She hates when I do that. I put her down on the balcony edge and faced her towards me.

"I've seen what you've been doing." Cosmo muttered.

My eyes widened. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Yes, I know. It's gross but food is food. It doesn't matter if it's been on the floor or not. I get really hu-" I started but was interrupted with Lucy and Erza both saying "ew" "gross" "really (y/n)?"

Cosmo started waving her paws. "No. Not what i was talkin about at all!"

"Oh...forget what I said then."

Erza laughed and Cosmo squinted her eyes at me.

"Anyway." She started.

"Do you personally know anyone from Sabertooth?"

I hesitated. "No..?"

She raised her eyebrow. "I've noticed that throughout all of today, you've been staring at that one dragon slayer Rogue Cheney."


I stuttered. I didn't know what to tell her. So I told her the truth. "He intrigues me."

"Awwwh!! Does (y/n) have a little crush!! That's so cute!" Lucy yelled while hugging me.

"Is this true?" Erza asked.

I shrugged.

"Well, however you feel and whatever you do, we will support you. Just make sure you keep your priorities straight and keep your eyes on the prize."

I nodded. "Of course."

"I encountered him today in my walk, but he didn't say much." I pulled the flower from my hair twisted it in my fingers

"Now, how about we go for a walk again tomorrow night and get you a new "friend." Lucy winked.

Oh boy, what have I done.

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