Cruella De Vil

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Cruella De Vil's POV:

Let me get right to the point. I am NOT evil. I tried to kill those puppies, but I had a reason. Besides, it's not lilke I was gonna kill them just for the heck of it. What can I say? Fashion is my passion, I will do ANYTHING top be fashionable. My motives are good and pure.

I may've done something wrong, but it's not like I'm evil. I'm a good person. I find it better to kill the puppies as well. The older dogs have memories--- they have a life. But what do the puppies have? They're young. They don't have anything to remember and they don't know anything either. Plus, they have softer fur. (Oopsie. Ignore that part) Say what you want, but I am NOT evil.

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