Chapter 36 - The surprise visitor & the joke

Start from the beginning

"You hungry?" I heard Justin suddenly say and I was about to answer when I realised that his attention wasn't directed towards me but more towards my belly, the breath from his words hitting my skin and causing goosebumps throughout my entire body, "Okay, good, I'll tell mommy to feed you."

"You did not just-"

"Hush, let me have my moment," He interrupted me, knowing I was going to comment on the fact that he had pretended to get responses. I laughed at his reply, feeling how things were slowly falling to place. I don't believe our life really could get any better. I had Justin how I wanted him, sweet and loving, and in a few months we were going to have a perfect little child into our hands, "What do you want for breakfast?"

This time, his head was turned to me, "I don't know? Coffee?"

"Coffee?" Justin repeated, his tone sounding surprised, "that's it? You have to eat more. The baby has to be feed too."

"I didn't say only-"

I was interrupted by the doorbell, my apartment making the sound even throughout the walls. We had decided to sleep the night at my place, only because I had to pick up some stuff and it got late so we stayed here. New York wasn't my favourite to walk through during the middle of the night. Justin had agreed and therefore, we had ended up here for the night. Which only made it weirder that someone would call my doorbell, not knowing I would be here.

I figured it was probably just a neighbour complaining about noises or something. We hadn't really done any special loud noises but the walls were really thin and I knew that there's been complaints before. Some people living in this building were very old and apparently didn't enjoy sounds as much as the younger people living here did.

Justin mumbled something about getting the coffee ready while I opened the door, we agreed that it was a great plan and that we would move out afterwards to get some real breakfast since I didn't have much at home. I did have coffee, though, since it's my favourite drink. I also knew that as pregnant, you should skip the refills and be a bit cautious with how much caffeine you put into your body but the doctors said that a cup each morning wasn't a problem.

I walked to the door, a part of me hoping that the person on the other side would give up and walk away so that I wouldn't have to encounter in a conversation but once I opened the door and saw the person standing there, I immediately regretted my thoughts.

"Forgot about me?" Lucas smirked as he stepped inside without me asking. I gasped and went in for a hug quickly, knowing that it had been a hot minute since the last time.

"Oh my God! What are you doing in town? You didn't tell me you were coming!" I shrieked, dragging him with me towards the kitchen. He told me something about a meeting being here but that it was already done and that he had the rest of his day off, "Already?" I said surprised, "but it's so early in the morning?"

"It's not that early," He laughed, bringing out his phone to click on the home button and show me the real time, "It's already ten o'clock."

I gasped again, "Really? Being pregnant really makes you tired."

He laughed all the way into the kitchen but once he saw Justin standing there, his smile dropped slightly and I could see the sudden annoyance on his face. I didn't understand how he had expected for Justin to not be here since it was pretty clear he wanted to stay with me at all times. But since Justin didn't seem too fond of our new company either, I figured it was a mutual feeling between the two and that it made them pretty even. 

Justin reached out his hand for Lucas to shake and I thought it was pretty polite of them to at least try and be around each other's company because of me being in the middle. It was sweet that they wanted to make it work, knowing it would mean a lot to me. I sent both of them a warm smile to show my appreciation and they both replied with the exact same one.

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