Chapter 9. It's NOT A Date

Start from the beginning

“You don’t have to believe me Sar, I'm going to prove it” I told her. She rolled her eyes and the cab arrived at the entrance to Central Park. I got out of the car and had to practically pry Sarah out of the fucking thing just so she would be around me. I feel absolutely terrible for about it, and all the pain I had caused her. I have no idea how I was going to make it up, but no doubt about it I’m got going let her get away.

“Why are you kidnapping me” She smirked for the first time in awhile, I missed that.

“ Because I didn’t get a chance to explain myself. I don’t care if your going to still hate me. I am not letting you slip away. This is isn’t over.” 

“Fine” Her attitude had returned. We both sat down on a park bench and I began attempting to  regaining my best friend.

“Alright, I am truly, from the bottom of my heart, really sorry for all the pain I had caused you all these years. I want to seriously rewind everything  and go back to the way things used to be” I paused and started again.

“I had gotten a new phone number a month after X-factor because fans had gotten a hold of me. Management wouldn’t let me give my number to just anybody-” 

"NOW I AM ANYBODY…Thanks Niall” She cut me off and had gotten off the bench and started to walk away with out giving me a second glance or a chance to speak.

“NO!! That is not what I meant Sarah! Please listen” I called to her and running off to get her to sit back down. I got her to reluctantly sit down and listen to the rest, she wasn’t happy but at least I got her to listen.

“I’m sorry Sarah. They made me the list of numbers I could have on my phone and I had to be careful still of who I was talking to. I didn’t want you to get hate from other fans and most of all I didn’t want You to hate me, so I just kind of left it untouched. I feel horrible and I shouldn’t of done any of it. This is all my fault. I am not asking us to be close again if you don’t want us to. I just want you to forgive me. I’m also not going to lie, I think about everything and…you quite often." I paused and watched her reaction, her face softend and a small smile creeped through her lips. I kept talking,

"I am really sorry Sarah from the bottom of my heart. I truly am.” I got a little choked up because I had finally faced the problem between Sarah and I. My heart was on hold while I waited for her response. She looked at me straight in the eyes and began to speak.

“Niall. I am actually sorry for getting S-” 

“NO, Sarah. You had a right too” I cut her off.

“Okay, You know what?” She asked

“What” I answered 

“I think we are both acting childish and we need to grow up. This is sort of both our faults. I am kind of willing to move on” She defiantly surprised me with all this ‘I am okay and Sorry too’ crap.

“Wow, Um Thank you so much Sarah. Soooo….” I rubbed the back of my neck getting ready to speak again.

“Want my new number?” 

She gave me a little smile showing just the tips of her adorable white teeth.

“Okay Niall.” She pulled out her phone and I gladly gave her my new number,a grin filled up my cheeks as I did so.

The rest of the evening  was spent catching up on our lives and stopping for a few photos and autographs for fans on the way.

It was now arriving to about 8:00 and reaching the peak of darkness. We had slowly made our way to the other side of the park and sat down against a tree. I crossed my legs and Sarah leaned up against me just like old times. I truly did miss this, a whole lot to be exzact. She was talking about school and how she got into NYU and all the little things in between. I was listening to every word that escaped her mouth as if i was never to here another word again. I am having different feelings about Sarah, they are strong and make me feel happy when I am around her. She is beyond beautiful too, and I have really fell for her big gorgeous brown eyes all over again. They are like glass in a way, so clear and transparent, they also tell stories with her moods from angry to extrordinarily happy and not to forget I would never over look their beauty and warmth. 

Just then Sarah yelled at me waving a hand in my direction.

“Niall…Niall…NIALL!” She started getting my attention, she got all embarrassed and started blushing a bit. So did I because she had just caught me. 

“Oh umm Sorry.” I finally got out

‘Why did I say that?!?!’ I yelled at myself 

“Uhhh Okay.” She looked confused and picked up her phone checking the time.

“It’s getting late Nialler. I got to get going” 

An electric shock when through my body creating butterflies and tingles setting into me from her calling me Nialler, I haven’t heard that in so long from Sarah. It felt so good for her to be some what back into my life.

“Oh yeah, me too the lads are going to be wondering where I am, you need me to walk you home or call a cab for you?” I asked, a little part of me wanting her to say yes so I could just stay with her a little while longer.

“No, I’ll be fine, thanks though.” She smiled at my generosity.

“alright Sar,” I went to give her a hug I had been so deprived of. 

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she laced her hands around my neck, it felt so right for her to be in my arms. We broke apart and just sat there gazing into one another’s eyes knowing exactly what each other is craving so much for at this very moment in time. Before I could finish my thought her beautiful angelic lips descended upon on mine creating a blissful feeling erupting inside me. She broke away and left me craving more.

“See you soon Niall.” Her voice was like a beautiful song repeating in my head. 

I stood there in shock, happiness, and watching her curls bounce effortlessly water falling down her to her perfectly structured hips. 

I was welcomed back to reality with my phone blaring For The First Time by The Script.


WOW. LONG CHAPTER. But i hope you guys love it!!! ooooo Niallers in exciting..:) I need at least 2 votes and 2 comments before i upload again!!!!!:) The next chapter is good also!!! THE SONG ON THE SIDEBAR IS LIKE MADE FOR THIS STORY.....ITS CRAZYYYYY haha go give it a listen and see!!!!!I NEED FEEDBACK! i LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!!!!!!KEEP DOING WHAT YOU LOVELY PEOPLE DOOO.....:)Alright see ya guys tomarrow!!!! Please, please,please,please,please VOTE AND COMMENT!!!<3

Over and Out


&quot;Good Luck!&quot; Wasn't Supposed To Mean Forever.(Niall Horan) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now