Thirty-Four - Texting

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Oh my god Luna thank god, I've been so worried about you

I'm so sorry Wyatt, so, so sorry

No Luna babe, please don't apologize. None of this was your fault, you just mean so much to me I was scared

Are you mad?

Not at you

But you're mad

I'm mad at the situation Luna, I'm mad about how it happened and why it happened and I'm so infuriated that those horrible people you call parents ever laid a hand on you. I'm mad that you were so terrified so you never told anybody what was happening to you and I hate that that's what your life was like. It kills me that you were so afraid of your parents and of going home that you went on trips and stayed as far away as possible. And I'm mad because I thought you left because of me. We went on a date and then the next day you were gone and I thought it was because of that until the 911 call came out. Luna I am so enraged with life and I genuinely want to destroy everything and everyone that ever hurt you because dammit I know you said you don't believe in love but maybe I do. Maybe the idea of love at first sight isn't crazy and maybe I want to be in love with you. Luna I've only ever met you in person twice and it kills me because I want so much more time with you. And I know I sound crazy and I've gone off on a tangent that makes no sense but I can't help it. I'm not mad at you Luna, I'm just mad at every single person that ever hurt you and I wish this wasn't so goddamn dramatic.



Call me

Moon Shine - a Wyatt Oleff ficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon