ch. 1 New house

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"Are we there yet?" I asked from the back seat of Matt, my mum's fiancé

"Yes honey, only like 10 minutes to go" Mum replied from the front seat. Today was the day mum and I move into Matt's house. Mum and Matt got engaged on their 2 year anniversary when he came to England to visit.

Matt is from Indiana, mum and I come from England. well actually mum comes Ireland. So basically I'm half English and half Irish.

But Indiana, why there? Mum's literally over the world, but I however am not too happy. but I see the way mum's face lights up when she see's Matt, I've never seen her like that except from the family pictures from when I was 4, before dad chose alcohol over us.

I looked out of the window watching the beautiful streets of Indianapolis. Indiana was a lot cleaner then London that sure. In London we have people peeing in every corner of the streets and dogs waste everywhere! plus the bird waste doesn't help either. I watched as we pass by little shops and houses. the streets weren't to busy like London but I wasn't empty, there were a few people here and there walking around. Indiana did look really pretty.

I noticed the car slowed down, I think we were here. I looked at the house we pulled up in. The house had a cute little deck with the roof hanging low on the top of it, it looked beautiful. Right next to the house was a big tree. It had yellow and orange leaves attached to it, some were coating the floor. Under the tree was a little brown bench. If the outside looked homey, I wonder how the inside looks.

As I slipped out of the car, grabbing my brown cross body bag, I noticed a boy across the street sitting on the deck stairs similar to ours. His knees were up to his chin as he hugged them. he looked kind of depressed if I say so.

I think Matt noticed me staring at him as he made his way over to me. "That's Blake" he whispered in my ear, obviously not wanting this Blake kid not to hear. I stayed silent just looking at him.

"He's around your age. I think you guys would get along great" he smiled as I kept staring at him. He looked broken, I remember looking that broken when I was 9.

"He looks so sad" I muttered to Matt as he put a hand on my shoulder. Matt knows about my dad. He's not giving me tones of sympathy like people had given me. No he just stayed and told us that we're safe now and then tries to get us all to push past the topic. That's what I like about Matt, he knows how to make everything a happy situation.

"Yeah I know. Sometimes he sits there and looks like that. but most of the time he's happy and cheerful" Matt explained walking away from me and into the house I'm guessing.

Something about him seems fishy, I don't know what though. I notice he was staring back at me from across the street. His black hair was in a beautiful quiff. His face looked flawless. I quickly looked down and walked into the house shutting the door behind me.

"Whoa" that was all I could say. The house actually did look homey, it was full of furniture and it looked so cosy. the air was warm and... homey. This wasn't like our old house, our old house was a little too big, it looked empty and it was cold. Here it was and good size, not to big not small. It was warm and cozy and full of furniture. I kept walking in and I noticed on the staircase wall, there were pictures of us as a family.

There were 4 pictures. The first one was when mum and dad first met on their first date. I didn't know him till their 9-month-aversery. The second one was mum and I on our trip to Africa because of Mum's charity work. This was last year and Matt came with us. I was wearing khaki coloured shorts that came up to my mid thigh with a thin brown belt which had a bow on it, i also had a black tank top tucked in. i had my black boots on and everything. I thought I looked like a true safari expert. I grinned at the memory and looked at the third picture.

It was of mum, Matt and I on Halloween 2 years ago. I was dressed as a werewolf, mum was Minnie mouse and Matt was Mickey mouse. And the last picture was all of us in a cute family photo, standing in the garden of our now old house in London.

I walked into a somewhat kitchen. It was an open plan. It looked beautiful with the red and white colour scheme. Matt then dragged me to my room. Mum had actually sent out stuff off by post, and instructed Matt to fix up my room, so let's hope it looks good.

We walked upstairs and my room was on the far end. We came in front of a white door. I turned the handle to be greeted by the most beautiful bedroom I've laid my eyes on. The walls were hot pink with White lining the top and the bottom, there were poka dot lights on the walls giving my room extra light, there were also fairy lights around my room. The bed was a leather pink bed with pink and white bed covers, there was like 8 extra, white and pink cushions. Beside it was a little white chest draw, on the top of that's was a whit lamp with a pink shade. There was a white mirrored wardrobe on the side of the room which had a small placing in the middle which was a dressing table. there was also a book shelf full of all my books neatly put away in order. The floor was wooden with a black rug next to my bed. The curtains were pink and beautiful.

"so do you like it?" I hard mum say from behind me, I turned around and smiled widely.

"love it, thank you mum, thanks Matt" I smiled hugging them each. I really did love it. It smelled like my old room already. Vanilla and strawberries with a hint of perfume.

"You know that Blake kid I was talking about, He and his family are coming over for dinner at 6 so that's 2 hours. i suggest you get ready because i know you take ages." Matt laughed walking out leaving me to me to get ready.

I grabbed my towel and toiletries and ran out of my room into the bathroom jumping into the shower. I scrubbed my hair with my vanilla scented shampoo and my conditioner, i scrubbed my body with my strawberry scented body wash and rinsed it all out before hopping out. Wrapping my fluffy white towel around me I walked into my room.

I took a seat at my desk i decided to go with stick straight hair. I took out my blow dryer and dryed my long hair. I then straightened it leaving my fringe out, after straightening my brown hair it came up to my hips. i slipped on a white blouse and a black skater skirt with a thick black leather strip at the bottom and a black belt that had a few gold bits, i tucked the blouse into my skirt. I also slipped on my black ballerina flats, of course not to forget, my black cardigan.

I slipped out of my room making my way downstairs. I casually walk into the living room and take a seat on the big red sofa turning on the TV. It was now 5:55, so Blake's family should be here in 5 minutes. I could hear mum and Matt getting dinner ready and chatting away.

As if in queue the doorbell rang.


Picture of Blake on side. ISN'T HE HOTTTTT ASDFGHJKL AHHHHHH!!!!

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