Chapter 12: False Fantasies

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Word Count: 1.2K

Dean's Point of View

Dean and Y/N were in the kitchen. Dean had gotten injured on their last hunt. There was a gash in his arm that was about a foot long in diameter. There was blood dripping out of the wound, despite the pressure that he was using. Y/N handed Dean some whiskey as she began to tend to the wound.

Dean winced at the pain as she poured alcohol on it to clean it. "Oh don't be such a wuss." Y/N said before wrapping the wound.

"I'm not a wuss. You're the wuss." Dean said defensively.

"Well that's just not accurate. Do you see me being a little bitch?"

"Hey, you didn't get hurt." He argued.

"Uh... yeah, I did." Y/N said, taking off her flannel. She was now only wearing a black tank top and jeans, which left her bare back exposed for Dean could see the long, deep scratches that covered her back.


"I mean it hurt earlier but it's fine now. The only thing that sucks is that the monster bitch ruined my favorite flannel." She looked over her ripped and bloodied grey flannel.

Dean stared at her.

"What?" She said.


"Okay, whatever." She brushed off the awkward interaction and went to the bathroom to put away the bandages that she used to fix Dean up.

Y/N turned to leave the bathroom, but as she did she saw Dean standing right in front of her.

"Oh. Dean. You scared me." She said laughing at herself because she jumped a little from the surprise of seeing him there.

Dean placed his hands on her arms and began to move them down her sides. "Thanks for patching me up, Y/N." He said as he stared into her eyes.

The sexual tension in the air was building.

Dean leaned in and gave Y/N a little peck on the lips and pulled slowly, waiting for her response. When she moved her lips into his forcefully, he wrapped his arms around her body. She ran her fingers through his soft hair.


"Yeah?" He replied breathlessly.

"Can we uh...-" She started but he interrupted her. "Absolutely." He said, picking her up and pressing his lips against hers again.

Y/N wrapped her legs around Dean's waist, as he carried her to his bedroom. He kicked in the door and slammed it shut. He threw her down on the bed. He teased her by slowly taking off his black t-shirt and unzipping his jeans.

Dean bent over Y/N and slowly pulled her jeans off, revealing her lacy black underwear. She pulled off her tank top as she arched her back to show off her curves to Dean.

He went down on her as she moaned in anticipation.

Y/N could feel Dean's abs and biceps as she ran her hands over them.

She arched her back again as Dean moved up her body. He passionately threw himself onto her lips.

She wrapped her arms around him, moving them all over to explore every inch of his chiseled body.


Dean was in his bed sleeping, when he turned to the other side to wrap his arms around Y/N, but she wasn't there.

"Y/N?" Dean spoke into the empty air, hoping for a response. "Y/N?"

He noticed that his bedroom door was open, he got up to investigate.

He made his way through the hallways of the bunker and found himself outside of Sam's room. He knocked the door three times.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"Sam, have you seen Y/N?" He asked through the door.

There was some rumbling and stumbling inside, before he opened the door. He saw Sam sitting up, shirtless, in his bed with only a side lamp on.

"Sam? What the hell are you doing?"

"Uh..." He stuttered, searching for an explanation.

Dean closed the door and saw Y/N standing on the other side of it, holding a white sheet up to her body to cover herself.

"Y/N? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Dean yelled. He felt so betrayed.

"Dean, please. I can explain." Y/N pleaded.

Sam got up and made his way over to her, wrapping his arms around her.

"She loves me, Dean." Sam explained.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?" Dean yelled back, surely this had to be a joke.

"I'm in love with Sam, Dean. Not you. I'm sorry, Dean, but I was only with you because I pitied you."

He couldn't believe it. Dean slammed the door shut behind him and stormed off to the library. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey and began to chug from it, before throwing it across the room. He flipped over one of the tables and threw the wooden chairs at the walls, shattering them to pieces.

"Someone's upset." Dean turned to see Crowley sitting on a chair in the other back room.


"Easy, easy. Calm down, squirrel. Jeez. None of this is even real."

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" He asked as Crowley snapped his fingers.


Dean gasped for air as he suddenly woke up in a dim, dark room strapped down to a table. His face was covered in scratches, blood seeping through them. Cuts and bruises covered the rest of his body. His clothes stained from all the blood.

"What the-" Dean started. But before he could finish his sentence Crowley snapped his fingers and stopped him from speaking.

"Sorry Dean, but I needed you vulnerable." Crowley said as he then put his hand on Dean's forehead. Dean gasped in for air as a strange feeling was sent through his body. A silver sheen glazed his eyes as Crowley searched his mind for the location of the Black Grimoire.

Once Crowley removed his hand away, the silver sheen faded, and Dean's eyes closed, leaving him unconscious.

"Did you find the Black Grimoire's location, my King?" A lower level demon, that was guarding the door, asked.

"We're gonna to take a little trip to the Winchesters' clubhouse." Crowley responded, as an evil smile came across his face.


Your Point of View

"Hey Cas, I think I found it." You said as you walked over to him, bringing a book with you. You pointed to a spot buried deep in a paragraph in the middle of the book. "There should be an opening in Phoenix, Arizona."

"This is great." Cas exclaimed.

"Let's go get Sam and Dean." You said as tears began to well up in your eyes. You were gonna see him again. You were gonna see Dean, and you would finally be able to apologize for all the terrible things you said and did as a demon.

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