Chapter 6: Deceiving Dean

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Word Count: 800

Your Point of View

You woke up and found yourself in the dungeon of the bunker, restrained by metal chains on the floor. There was a devil's trap on the floor beneath you. You stood up and tried to run out of it but you couldn't. You were stuck inside.

You forgot that when Dean had the Mark of Cain and was killed by Metatron, he had become a demon. Sam and you had to cure him... And it did not go well. It worked in the end but you were becoming more and more skeptical the longer it took for you and Sam to fix him.

Deep down you knew that you should be feeling guilty or sad, or concocting all sorts of ideas of how to fix yourself. But instead you felt good. Like...really good.

You were beginning to feel lonely. You were in the mood for some one-on-one time with the sexiest person you had ever come to know... Dean Winchester. Maybe you could convince him that you weren't a demon. That because of the spell, the Mark didn't have the same effects on you, after your death. Which, obviously, was complete bullshit. But, hell, you were an actress before a hunter after all.

"Dean!" You beckoned to him with the old sweet voice he knew so well from your non-demon days.

"What?" He said with cynicism.

"What the hell's going on?" You said innocently, with confusion and panic in your voice.

"Oh don't act so innocent. I know what it's like, Y/N. Don't forget that I've been exactly where you are right now." He responded.

"Dean. I'm not a demon, I swear. Please believe me." You begged.

"If you're not a demon then walk out of the circle." He retorted.

"I would if I could. I'm kinda chained down and can't get over there. Please just get these things off of me. I promise you Dean. I'm not a demon."

"Y/N, I know you are. I saw what you did. I know what happened."

"I'm not a demon. I swear. The Mark didn't corrupt your soul, like it did yours, because of the spell. The Mark's affecting me differently, than you."

You could tell that Dean wanted to believe you but he couldn't.

"I don't believe you." He said, almost as if it were painful for him to speak the words out loud.

Tears began to well up in your eyes. "Dean... please." You continued to beg. "If I'm lying then I won't be able to exit the trap, but if I'm telling the truth then I will. And I'm not lying to you Dean. I would never do that to you. But I know you won't believe me. Why should you?"

Tears came streaming down your face as you sat with your head tilted down in hopelessness.

You could hear him coming closer to you. This was your chance.

"Dean?" You said with a sparkle of hope in your eyes. He wiped the tears from your face.

He started to undo the shackles that were holding you down.

"What about Sam? Won't he be mad?" You said.

"He doesn't know you're back." He said.

"Why not?"

"Because if you are a demon now, then I'm going to cure you right now. That way no one gets hurt and we can move on from it."

Once your hands were free you rubbed the soreness from your wrists where the cuffs had been. You were still sitting on the ground when Dean bent down to sit next to you. You hugged him tightly and when you pulled back you put your hands on his face. You pulled him in and your lips collided in a small kiss. You quickly pulled away, waiting to see his reaction. He brought you back in and wrapped his arms around you and you began to passionately make out.

You wrapped your legs around his waist. He picked you up and began to walk. But once he had reached the edge of the circle with you in his arms, he couldn't cross the line. Pulling back with the realization of what you were, you knocked him out cold. You then locked him in the chains that had, only moments ago, confined you.

You took the key from his pocket, as well as his switch blade that was tucked in his sock. Taking the blade, you made a gap in the devil's trap and made your escape. You locked the door to the dungeon as you closed it, leaving Dean alone, unconscious.

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