Rescuing Razz 5.1

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"Alex was forced to admit that she was unable to mate with our kind. That invalidates any claim she has to Gabe, which is what Cla wanted," Razz said.

"How did she end up with you?" Rile asked.

Trust Rile to ask the question that I hoped no one would ask.

"Cla had to offer me to force the issue." Razz looked up at Alex and this time smiled shyly.

"You said that Alex couldn't have a legitimate claim since she couldn't—"

"Rile!" Alex ran her fingers through her hair, embarrassment and exasperation warring with each other.

"It was not mating. It was much better," Razz said with conviction and his smile broadened. "The Kuni said that Alex could keep me since I was the initial offering."

"Alex!" Gabe sounded horrified.

"Really?" Rile asked, grinning, interest sparking in his eyes and posture.

"She even marked me." Razz proudly displayed the bloody wound.

"Razz, not helping again." Alex's voice rose in desperation.

"An 'A'?" Gabe asked, outraged, but Rile laughed.

"Alex, you are positively bloodthirsty," Rile said in delight. "What a great Guardian you are. I mean it."

Razz frowned and examined the wound more closely. "This is not very deep. If it does not scar, you must re-open it."

"Razz, really, really not helping." Alex felt heat flush up her face. "I have no intention of hurting you again and I will make those miserable females pay for your blood on my hands."

Razz's returned his gaze to her, wonder at her words warring with the obvious adoration.

"Alex, where will your new mate sleep?" Rile asked yet another question that Alex wished had been left unasked.

"Rile, please." Alex felt more trapped than when she had been in the Kuni's room.

"It's a valid question," Gabe said, clearly enunciating each word in fury.

"Gabe, not you, too. I didn't ask for this." Alex held up pleading hands.

"I understand." Razz nodded in a knowing way. "Alex is a remarkable mate, strong yet kind, and with utterly wonderful powers. You do not wish to share. I promise that I will be most unobtrusive. I will stay out of your way. I will demand nothing. I will be content with whatever time Alex can spare."

"I have lots of that," Alex said and Gabe looked away.

"You can emancipate Razz," Zilik said from his forgotten position and they all looked over at him.

"Emancipate?" Alex asked.

"Yes, he'll be free. No female, including Cla, will be able to claim him." Zilik resumed tossing the cactus fruit from hand to hand.

"Free, but not safe." Razz gripped Alex's leg. "Cla is vindictive. She will find me, torture me, and kill me."

"Razz, I'm not the safest person to be around. Cla is coming after me, too." Alex squeezed his shoulder and he gazed up at her again with adoration.

"No, she won't." Gabe stood up. "We're going to her. Rile, Cale, with me."

Cale stood up immediately, but Rile regarded Gabe a moment, then, with a shrug, stood up straight.

"Gabe." Alex tried to walk to him, but Razz still had her leg in a death grip.

"Alex, you don't understand." Gabe turned away.

Razz looked between Alex's and Gabe's faces and his eyes narrowed. "I do." Razz released Alex and stood up. "It is not worth it."

"What's not worth it?" Gabe turned around, expression hard.

Razz still looked terrified, and he trembled slightly, but he held his ground. "Children, of course. Why else would you choose Cla over Alex? She was forced to admit in front of the Kuni that she is not physically compatible with us. But I tell you again, it is not worth it. Especially with Alex's abilities. I have only produced males so far and Cla has cleansed them all. Our last clutch is only two eggs. Even if they are females, she will not let me keep them for long. Once they can walk, they will begin military training."

"This isn't about children. We're leaving." Gabe turned away again. "Cale, Rile, I said: with me."

Cale hugged Alex and whispered in her ear, "My brother is losing his way. Please stay safe." He released her and said, "Pray for us." He walked out with a final backward glance at Alex.

Rile hugged Alex next, only tighter and longer. He whispered, "Be here for me when I return." He shoved her away and said, "Don't do anything stupid."

"You are making a mistake." Razz shook his head at Gabe. "You are underestimating Cla."

"You're underestimating me. It is a common trait around here." Gabe stalked out.

Rile's face was unreadable as he followed his brother.

"Zilik, what am I going to do?" Alex came close to wailing.

"I don't know. But I'm curious to find out." Zilik walked over to them. "Razz, why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Razz backed away from Zilik.

Alex took Razz's hand and guided him behind her. "Do you have a problem with Razz?" Her eyes took in Zilik's length. She released Razz, balanced on the balls of her feet, and lightly shook her hands.

"Quite the opposite. Please don't attack me, Alex. Razz had nothing to gain and much to lose with that speech. Don't you see that? I'm curious as to why he did it." Zilik tilted his head like a puppy begging for a treat, which Alex found adorable.

She turned to Razz. "He's right. Why did you help me at risk to yourself? Don't risk yourself again. Ever. That's an order. I do the saving around here."

Razz knelt at her feet and Alex groaned. She knelt beside him.

"You rescued me from a living pit of hell. I wished to help you keep something that you wanted. I do not think that I did anything remarkable," Razz said.

Alex rubbed his back. "It was and I appreciated it. I need your help, Zilik. I can't keep Razz here and I can't set him adrift either. Cla would track him down."

"I can arrange safe passage for Razz to Chameleon City, but it'll take time. He'll have to stay here until then," Zilik said.

Alex and Razz both nodded.

"Don't get your hopes up, Razz," Zilik said on his way out of the door. "Alex comes from a monogamous species."

Alex threw a couch pillow at Zilik. He laughed and avoided it, but before he could close the door, Hilto entered with a tray of wine, cheese, and bread.

"Enjoy," Zilik called out as he left, and Hilto arranged the food and wine on the table.

"Razz, you and I will have a nice long talk," Alex said. "While you eat and drink. You're far too thin."



Who likes Razz?

Will he beat out the brothers in Alex's affections?

Dedicated to


Thanks for the reads and votes!

Rewrite dedicated to charlottemallory

Who spent a generous amount of time commenting on my little book!

Guardians: Away Mission Book 2 of the Guardians Saga COMPLETED except for editsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang