"Fine. Keep the door open and keep those hands to yourself." He told them then walked back over to me.

I sat down gently on the bed and King began to take my sandals off my fat feet gently massaging them.

"How you feeling?"


My phone rung indicating someone was calling. I picked it up seeing Sheri was FaceTiming me. I slid the button over to the right answering her call.

"Hey ma." King put his face in the camera.

"Hello?" Sheri put the phone up to the ear. We got her an iPhone and she still doesn't know how to use it.

"No ma. It's FaceTime."

Sheri took the phone away and looked at it seeing King's face. "Oh look at there. These smart phones do so much."

King and I laughed.

"Did you all make it safely?" Sheri questioned.

"Yea. The plane ride went smoothly. We're at the resort now."

"Well that's good."

"Where's Nick?" King asked still looking at the phone.

Sheri flipped the camera showing Nick in the kitchen cooking noodles. "Wassup y'all." Nick waved at the camera.

"Hey! We miss you already big head." I said smiling.

We had to leave Nick at home for this trip simply because the case has yet to be dropped. Even though the cops aren't swarming the area like they use to we wanted to be safe.

"I miss y'all too. Do me a favor and bring me a plate back. I always wanted to taste African food."

"No. Hungry ass." King said.

Dr. Jax's name traveled across the top of the screen.

"Guys I have another call trying to come through. We'll call you guys tomorrow. Bye love you."

"Bye. We love you too."

I hung up the call with them and answered Dr. Jax's call and put the phone up to my ear pushing my hair out the way.


"Good afternoon Monica. I know you're on vacation sorry for calling. I'm just checking to see if everything was going okay."

"Yes sir. Everything is fine. No pains just a little swelling."

"Well that's normal." He informed.

Dr. Jax told me that it wasn't best to fly since I was having stomach pains here and there. But I insisted on going. I'm five months almost six. He told me that I might not make it to the full nine months simply because of the way I've been handling myself.

"While you're out there try to stay away from any seafood. And do not get a massage. That could induce labor."

I sighed.

"Anything else is fine."

"Okay thanks for checking up doc."

"No problem. Have a good day."

"You too." I hung up and fell back on the bed rubbing my huge stomach. "I'm so ready for this to be over."

King kissed my forehead and held me close to him. "Don't worry baby. Lil man will be here soon." He comforted me then got up walking inside the bathroom.

I smiled. I found out I was having a boy last month and it was an amazing feeling. I haven't told Carter yet though. I only talk to him here and there just to confirm our deal that we made two months ago.

Dope Boy Ambitions 3Where stories live. Discover now