
Start from the beginning

I hate worrying about
The future
Cause all of my problems
Are based on my past
And I hate when you
Call me late at night
Just to check in to make sure
I got nothing to be sad about
But it's alright, it's okay
I won't need your help
I hate when I have to think about my future
When all I want to do is
Worry about everyone else but me
....that your wasting all my
Time about venting about your
Problems on how your
Instagram stopped working
And how your friends bailed on you
But it was funny because that was the day you were
Supposed to Hang with me
...with actually  having to tell you my
With actually having you give a
Damn about me
You giving a damn about....

And the pastor says I'm
But Jesus Christ I'm never good
I'll nail my hands to the wall
The doctors were nice enough,
They just said I'm fucked
Just like my mom is fucked
I bet my dad's fucked up
In the black light I can
Tell a sick joke,
Maybe in the black light
I can tell a sick joke
Twinkle, twinkle
Little star,
Achoholics don't get
Far, unless they drink and drive,
Let's go for a ride
I hope I crash and die tonight
I'm cool to the touch, leap to
My death,
I'll die for you all
It goes like this, well, I ain't sorry
With broken wrist
I climb from this walls
My skin crawls

Take my eyes, take them aside
Take my face and
My arms and legs,  they get in the way
Take my hands
they'll understand
Take my heart,
Pull it apart
And take my brain
Or what remains
Throw it all away
Cause I'm grown tired
Of this body
A Cumbersome and heavy body
Take my lungs, take them and run
Take my tounge, go have some fun
Take the ears, take them and
Take my joints, take them for points
Take my teeth, tear through my cheeks
And take my nose, go and dispose
Would you go dispose, just  go dispose
Cause I've grown tired of this
A cumbersome and heavy body
I've grown tired of this body
Fall apart without me, body

Beaten, why for?
Can't take much more
One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me
One, something's got to give
Two, something's got to give
Three, something's got to give
Push me again, this is the end

Maybe I been here before,
I know this room, I have walked this floor

Why are expectations so high?
Is it the bar I set?
My arms I stretch, but I can't
A far cry from it, or it's
In my grasp, but as soon as I
Grasp, squeeze
I lose my grip like a flying
Into the dark I plummet
Now the Sky's blackening
I know the marks high,
Butterflies rip apart my stomach
Knowing that no matter
What bars I come with you're
Gonna  harp, gripe, and
That's a hard vicodin to swallow
So I scrap these
As the pressure increases
Like khakis
I feel the ice cracking because...
And it always feels like I'm hitting the mark till I go sit in the car and go pick it apart!
Like, "This shit is garbage!"
And I try not to listen to nonsense but if you bitches are trying
To strip me and my confidence,
Mission accomplished
Now take your best rhyme, outdo it, do it a thousand times
Now let them tell you no one gives a cares or gives a fuck about
Your rhymes

This is for the lions living
In the wirey broke down
Frames of my friends bodies
When the flood water comes
It ain't going to be clear
It's going to look like mud
This is for the snakes and the
People they bite,
For the friends I made
For the sleepless nights
For the warning signs I completely
There's an amount to take,
Reasons to take more
It's no big suprise, you turned
Out this way
You stopped by my house
The night you escaped,
With tears in my eyes I begged
You to stay
You said, "hey man, I love you
But no fucking way"
Make sure you kiss your
Knuckles before you punch me
In the face
There are lessons to be learned
Consequences for all the stupid
Things I say
I wanna contribute to the chaos
I don't want to watch and then complain

The good thing about this cast is I can still hold a knife, so if you ever twist my arm again, I'll be sure to
Put up a fight

Then ask me what it's like to have myself  so figured out...
I wish I knew

And I can't stand the pain
And I can't make it go away!
How could this happen to me?
I've made my mistakes!
Got nowhere to run
The night goes as I'm fading away
I'm sick of this life!
I just want to scream!
How could this happen to me?
Everybody's screaming
I try to make a sound, but
No one hears me
I'm slipping off the edge
I'm hanging by a thread
I wanna start this over again
So I try to hold on
To a time when nothing
And I can't explain what happened
And I can't erase the things I done
No I can't....

Not one song was towards an ex...I am just depressed.
No one cares. Fuck it, right? "Fucking annoying at these times Jazz damn, fucking stop. No one wants to hear you repeat or wallow in sorrow. Get the fuck up and deal with it." Yeah, I know. That's all my response is because I fucking know! I fucking get it....I understand...just here to vent. Not for complements.
Oh, but it is?
Welcome, here I am, your entertainer that wants attention!
For sure...yup.
Let's forget the fact that she states she is depressed and venting because it is an escuse now. Now it is a fucking joke. Put it aside that the fact she wasted hours of having her heart in pain, and just comment how you love the song or even state that this or that... Yeah...sounds good.

I'm sorry (I feel as everything is my fault) and I am just not in a great mood. Ugh.

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