The Golden Princess

Start from the beginning

Slowly blue glimmers begin to shimmer into the air above her and mocking her high hopes of being the golden princess. They glittered and gleamed reminding me of fireworks as they went off around her. Almost hypnotically they fizzled into nothing. She looked up and her confident face dropped. She looked at the audience her eyes dropping, pain and disappointment in them. Without another smug smile, she quickly exited the stage, a hand over her mouth holding back tears while the audience gave her sympathetic looks. The other girls feigning their's, I knew.

A relieved sigh left Ike's mouth as I glanced at him and he smiled at me, still propped up in his chair. The ball had been going on for hours. As the prince having the ball he had to dance with every girl suitor considering that was how the ball went and it was also the proper thing to do. There were tons of girls and each and every one of them had had their turn with him, he must have a lot of stamina. Because if I was him, I would've stopped by the fifth one and called it a done deal. And there's no way I would've been using proper posture like he was, matter of fact right now my head was placed lazily on the top of the chair I was sitting on and my arm draped over the top sticking out. If someone walked by they probably could bump up against it if they didn't see it or wanted to.

"Psst, psst", I heard someone calling for my attention, lifting my head, I turned around and my eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Kaiya!' I whispered looking at my light brown curly hair friend. "What are you doing here?" I hissed lowly, noticing girls giving me disapproving stares for talking during the ritual. I didn't care though, they could all suck it. . .not on my Ike though.

She shrugged with a smirk. She probably noticed the heated look I was giving her. "Obviously I was invited", she rolled her eyes, pulling up her black gown that had begin to fall down. "Fucking parents, they made me, but I know damn well I ain't his kindred spirit. For one, me and Ike have no connection what so ever but a brown hair, golden eyed friend of mine does", she smirked playfully at me. I felt my hopes rising up again.

"You're definitely going to be the kindred spirit, hell I didn't even know you were here until I saw you and Ike dancing. You guys looked fucking magical, 'damn haven't saw a connection like that since Harmony and Zotar', that's what my dad had said", her nose crinkled happily at me as I felt a smile brightening my face. The possibility of being the Golden Princess making my heart soar optimistically.


She nodded and opened her mouth, but the announcers voice bellowed through the speakers again.

"Avril Bright" My heart stopped momentarily. My stomach suddenly felt queasy making me feel nauseous.

I looked at Kaiya for reassurance and she nodded at me, smiling. I got up feeling anxiety sweep over me. The stares of hundreds pairs of eyes making my nervousness that much unbearable. I felt my lips trembling and my hands shaking as I padded along the cold dance floor. My shoes had disappeared and I couldn't care any less at that moment rather they had been stolen or if I would ever find them again. Glancing around, everyone's eyes were on me and I felt perspiration starting to kick in, my hands becoming clammy from sweat.

Suddenly, my eyes caught onto the moon which hung heavily in the sky, Selene. Her rays seemed to be at their brightest point at this moment. They shined through both of the windows, silver streams of light dancing off the surfaces she touched pooling over the entire interior of the room and to me it was like she was giving me a reassuringly push. Lifting my dress I was only a couple of steps away from the stairs when  someone walked in front of me, strutting up the stairs.

I stopped staring at the back of a perfectly tanned bitch that was really starting to piss me off. The small hopeful smile that had just been on my face dropped as Belladonna turned around staring at us all now on the stage.

The Lethal Princess (Completed) Wattys2015 WinnerWhere stories live. Discover now