Epilogue: Andrew's List

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February 13:  (Saturday Morning)


I'm up doing my early morning routine on a Saturday. And I'm not even bummed that I didn't get enough sleep at all because I have a very good feeling that it's going to be a great day today. I know it's pretty early to drive to Andrew's since he's still probably sleeping so I told myself to wait until it's already in a reasonable hour, like 9 or 10am.

I know, I know. That's still pretty early but I just couldn't wait to see him and tell him what he's been waiting for and what I've been too scared to admit––that I'm in love with him.

Yes, I, Emily Jean Stone, want to be my best friend's girlfriend. To be honest, I feel so stupid for being so oblivious to see how deep Andrew's feelings for me are. He stands up for me, calls me sweet endearing names, runs to me in the middle of the night just because he knew I was upset, publicly kissing me in front of his friends, our schoolmates, the entire school, and for goodness' sake, saying how much he loves me! How obvious can he get? If I've noticed them earlier and avoided getting into a fight with him just because of something pathetic––like not being able to say I love him––we would probably be on our road trip to LA by now for Valentines' Day like a real couple.

But anyways, at least I can finally say "I love you" back. Better late than never, right? Plus, we can always drive to LA on any other weekends.

Before taking a bath, I checked––more like ransacked––my closet for something suitable to wear. I need to look "beautiful" again––his words, not mine––when he sees me. I kept tossing clothes around trying to find the right ones to wear. Ugh, I'm so anxious I might as well go there naked.

Yeah, that'll surely get his attention.

I laughed at myself. I think I'm channeling his innuendos and perverted thoughts. We think so muck alike even in the most unorthodox way. Oh my gosh we're gonna be together forever!

I laughed at myself once more. I think I'm going crazy.

"What's so funny?" My mom suddenly asked, peering her head in the doorway.

Startled, I almost cursed at her. "You scared me!"

She cocked an eyebrow at me. "Sorry. You know, you seem a little jumpy. You're laughing all by yourself. You're looking excited. You're starting to have bags under your eyes. And you're up pretty early..." I can almost hear her gears running. "Are you on drugs?"

I stared at her, eyes wide. "Mom! God, no! Never! What are you even saying?"

She held her hands up in a calming gesture. "Hey, I'm just saying since––"

"Mom, seriously. No."

She continued, walking into my room and sitting on my bed. "Well then, I guess it's time for us to have "the talk" abaout––"

"Mom, please stop talking." I pleaded.

Without warning, she burst out laughing. I gave her a crazed look in return. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry! I was just messing with you." She said in-between fits of laughter.

I'm starting to doubt who's the older one in the room.

"I can't believe you. You're just like Andrew." I complained.

And of course, at the mention of his name, she instantly perked up.

And now I'm starting to doubt who's the one in love with Andrew in the room.

"Speaking of Andrew," she gave me a sly smile. See what I'm talking about? "He threw a victory party last night, right? I waited out for you to come home until midnight but you didn't... You didn't call last night either, telling me you'd be at his house until like the crack of dawn. And here you are, wearing his clothes." She pointed at the sweater I'm currently wearing. "So...?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

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