"We've gotta stop Levi's zord and fast!" I said and helped Sarah up to her feet

"Don't worry, we'll find a way!" Sarah said

"Hayley and I will help Brody!" I said

"Okay. Good luck!" Preston said

Hayley and I ran to Brody. Robo Rider was about to blast at him. Brody escaped with Robo Red.

"That was a close one! Oh no!" Brody said and caught Robo Rider's hand to prevent him from hitting him.
Then there was another Skull gator.

"We got your back, Brody!" I yelled and attacked the skullgator
Kodiak zord bit it.

"If only we could contact Levi!" Hayley said

Levi's P.O.V

I was humming and playing the guitar when Mick appeared from behind me and scared me.

"Having a spooky time there, Levi?" Mick asked "I thought the others were with you."

"They were sitting with me earlier, but they went off to play some old board game. Didn't really interest me." I told him

"You didn't go with them?" He asked

"Well, I don't really like board games." I said

"So, they did what you like to do, but then you wouldn't do what they like to do because you don't like board games. Is that right?" He said

"Well.... sort of." I said "It sounds selfish when you put it like that."

'Oh... oh, sorry. How else would you put it?" He said

I got the lesson. "Okay, okay. I see what you're saying. You're right." I said and put down my guitar "I'll go see what they're up to."
I went to them. I found the room dark.

"Looks kinda dark." I said
The door was locked. "Hey! Why's the door locked? Come on, open up!" I called for them to let me in. I knocked hard on the door. I pushed and opened it. I got inside but they weren't in there.

"Uh... guys?" I said
I saw a lot of stuff from the game. I saw a crystal ball. Cosmo was appears from it. He was saying something about the rangers and they'll be destroyed.

"The rangers are caught in the game?" I said to myself

I touched that ball and mysteriously found myself with the rangers in the game and already morphed. I found Sarah and Preston.

"Sarah!" I said

"Levi! Oh, I'm so happy to see you. We got sucked into the game." Sarah said

"And Cosmo has hijacked your zord. He's fighting against us!" Preston said

"What? Don't worry, guys." I said

Gemma's P.O.V

Levi came! That was great!

"I'm on it. Bull Rider Zord Star, lock in!" Levi said but was interrupted by Cosmo

"You can't be here! It's cheating!" Cosmo yelled

"Hold your horses. I'm not cheating." Levi said "In fact, I'm not even playing your game. Activate Ninja Spin!"
Levi went to his zord.

"Oh no, he's right! If he's not playing the game, he doesn't have to obey my rules." Cosmo said "Hurry up, skull gator. Destroy them!"

The skull gator was about to hit Brody but, Levi blocked the attack.

"What the.. Levi?" Brody said

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