Unknown title

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Running. I have to get to her in time. She’s special to me. Her blood is special to all. Us vampires anyways. I want to make an entrance so I obviously need to be there early. To save her that is. The world blears by. I run too fast for the human eye. I want to see her even if she won’t see me. This is what has to be. The house come into view. They say the party has started without you. I see her standing all alone but surrounded in that home. This party just can’t start without me so I shall make my entrance now. They all just stare at me as I bow. Except for her. She looks to be in her own fit over me.

I was doing fine on my own. The show has started and they’re the main feature so they know. I stand alone but not alone. For all of me admires have shown. I take a stance and get ready to dance. But that one of a kind. Just showed up at the worst time. The entrance he makes and the bow he takes has us all in shock. How he can pull this off is for the gods to know and us to not. Taking my queue I make the start of the final act. For the show has gone on for much too long. So take a bow this all shall start now. You are the main crowd. All around we all dance so come and make your stand.


Hey everybody I need some help with a title for this one feel free to send me some ideas.

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