What happens when the lights go out

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Having felt so lonely for so long I can only imagine what it must feel like to have someone there who's willing to push past the fake smiles and tell me that they know I'm lying when I say I'm fine. To have them look me in the eye and not pretend that they don't know I'm in pain. Supposedly there's someone out there for everybody to do that but at this point I've lost all hope of finding them. No one sees past those fake smiles that even I am starting to believe. No one sees the crying girl who sits alone at night screaming silently for someone to hold her. Silent words not to be seen or heard. Never to be known by anyone but me. Those words that show just how broken I really am. Those words that grow so deep inside that you can't ignore them but still they go unnoticed by everyone. Two sides of the same  broken picture that's too damaged for anybody to understand what the real meaning behind it is. A picture so perfect yet so misunderstood that it's not given a second glance. Sometimes I almost wish I could just walk with no destination in mind as see where it takes me. And not have to look back. Walk a path that's been there since the birth of everything. A path that's no longer taken. It feels like it's impossible to move on from this point. Stuck in an endless battle between myself and the world crashing around me.

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