III (Part One)

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"Just talk. Or else," he says slamming his fist down on the table. He's probably expecting me to jump or get scared but I'm not frightened by him in the least.

"Calm down," I say leaning back in my chair.

"Calm down. Calm down are you kidding me. Lives are going to be lost unless we can figure this out. We don't have time for all of this," he hisses some of his spit landing on the table in front off me.

"We have time. It's not the end of the world," I chuckle a smile on my face. Boy, do I love messing with this guy?

"You and I both know that it's a matter of minutes before something happens and it won't be good. Help me out here," he says slowly, the anger gone in his voice. Seems like someones playing good cop bad cop.

"Fine fine. What do you wanna know?"

"SilverCopy isn't anywhere to be found. We traced her back to being in the same town as you only a week ago. We believe you guys met up, conversed even."

"A week ago, you say," I rub my chin smirking to myself. "I would've been in Fefera town. Or was it Ferbersgabala? Sorry as you can see I'm getting quite old."

"Fefera," he mumbles just loud enough for me to hear him.

"Ohhhh Fefera.What was I doing there."

"Look we don't have time for this I needed to meet up with RedManger," he looks down at the silver watch on his hand, "like twenty minutes ago.

"Well, that's settled then. Off you pop I have things to be doing as well, we can meet up another day," I cockily say.

"JUST STOP," he shouts picking up the table and flinging it towards the door. "You either talk now.Or.........," I cut him off mid-sentence.

"Or what, are you gonna force me to talk. I've been through worse thing than this. I doubt you even know who I am," I quip taking him aback with my brittle voice. I stand up so that we can face each other face to face. More like chin to face. I'm so much taller than him. He probably senses what I'm thinking and takes a step back. I counteract it by stepping forward.

"If you knew my name we wouldn't be having this conversation isn't that so funny, one tiny itty bitty detail could stop all of this. Honestly, you guys call yourselves Keepers. To protect and bring peace- is that not your moto, "I bellow.

"Son you better watch what you say in here. I can snap my finger and you'll be thrown into the pit," he says with a gruff angry voice.

"I know whats happening in CityTonna and I know people, a lot of people. If I were you I would watch my mouth cause all this," I gesture around the room, " is gonna be discovered any minute now and it will be breaking news. Everyone will find out just how much Peace you guys are bringing."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," he confesses.

"Oh really so you don't know how that in CityTonna there is a potion one that's in mass production. One that's going to make us all forget everything we know. We probably will forget how to even walk or what food is. But obviously, you don't know a thing about that," I say poking his chest and making him take steps backwards as I talk till he is pressed up against the wall.

"Look, kid, this is no game I'm not even sure you know what you're saying right now. You might need to go off to the looney bin if you think us Keepers could be responsible for any of that, maybe you do need to be thrown in the pit.I'm sure no one would miss you anyway," he fumes.

I can't believe he is actually calling me crazy. He really needs to watch his mouth with me.I'm not afraid to do what needs to be done, even if it means getting a little blood on my hands.

"Oh, I know what I'm talking about and you do too. I see the look in your eyes, I know I've got something right.I'm on to something here and you're scared aren't you?" I retort.


"You are I can see it all over your face. Fess up and maybe you'll leave here with only a few broken bones. Don't talk and you're dead and that's a promise," I say smiling down at him with no sympathy. If everyone knew what this guy has been up to he would be long gone.

SilverCopy is going down whether he likes it or not. 

I send my fist in his direction, he needs to know just how serious I really am.

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That was part one, there will be a part 2 in the near future uploaded. This was really fun to write, hope you guys enjoy it. As always feedback is welcome & encouraged. 

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