"Here baby, take my card, buy yourself something nice" Brantley said, pulling out his wallet and handing me his black AmEx. "No, I can't take it and let you spend money on me. Baby I make my own money I'm not going to use yours" I reciprocated. "Ellie, take the card, I won't take no for an answer. I trust you with it. Go buy yourself that Louis Vuitton bag you've been wanting that's saved on your ipad, and a new outfit, hell get your nails done or your hair done if you want, my treat. I love you baby, it's my job to spoil you" I didn't know what to say, I took the card and put it in my wallet? I gave him a kiss, Noah kissed Lindsey and the kids a kiss goodbye and we left.

Lindsey dropped the kids off at her Mom's house for the afternoon so we could have "adult time" as she put it to the kids. Izzy is the most adorable little girl with her blonde girls and big personality.  She told me that she "better see me again or she'd come find me" Lindsey and I couldn't help but laugh. Then she gave me a huge hug and ran to her Nana.

"Green Hills or Opry Mills?"  She asked.

"Green Hills has Nordstrom and Louis Vuitton since Brantley basically told me to buy the purse I've been working extra shifts just to buy." I replied.  "Girl feel extra special, I've known Brantley for a long time, and he's never just given his credit card to anyone and told them to go shopping" Lindsey declared.

We got to the mall and walked around for a bit. My phone started going off to Brantley's text tone Ride by Chase Rice. Lindsey's eyebrows perked up and she said "Brantley? Cause I hope that song isn't for someone else."  "Yeah, that's his text tone."  I unlocked the phone and saw his message
B:  Miss you already baby. I meant it, get whatever YOU want, you deserve it. And don't forget to get that purse you've been wanting. Love you baby girl 😘
E:  Miss you too outlaw. I don't like spending other people's money, I wasn't raised that way. I work for what I have, and you know that. Love you.
B:  I know you don't like anyone spending money on you. But you're my girl now, and if I give you my card (which I've never given it to anyone before) and tell you to go shopping and buy something that you've been wanting for years, I mean it. BUY THE DAMN PURSE WOMAN. 😉 Go get a massage too. Tell Linds I'm paying for it. Love you. See you back at Noah's later on tonight.
E:  Ok baby, I will. I make sure to get some super short Daisy's too 😇 love you.  Almost immediately I got a text back from Brantley that said you're playing with fine now baby girl. I laughed and shook my head.

"What'd he say?" Lindsey asked. I gave her my phone and let her read the messages. She looked at me, I could tell immediately she was up to something   And said "looks like we got some work to do, first up on the list is shoes and Daisy's that will give Brantley a heart attack, and your bag. He wants to buy you something we are gonna make sure he's drooling."  "I love the way you think!" I proclaimed.

We went to Victoria's Secret and Lindsey and I got lingerie, she had plans tonight to rock Noah's world, and I had plans to rock Brantley's to pay him back for buying me everything. After lingerie shopping we went to Nordstrom and I found two perfect pair of Daisy's and shirts to go with, a sundress that I know he's going to love, and a pair of Louboutin heels, then we headed to Louis Vuitton to get my bag. 

"Girl, you know he loves you, he's never spent that much money on any girl!  Not even Amber and well hell, Jana he only took her to McDonalds to eat" Lindsey said. 
"You're joking right?  About McDonald's anyhow" I asked. I had seen photos of them after award shows at McDonalds, but as far as I knew they had a normal relationship. Amber, even though they were together as teenagers, her family came from money and she won money from pageants; he never could afford what she wanted while they were together. Me, I had been saving up after I paid my bills to buy that darn purse, he saw the one saved and decided he was going to get it for me one way or the other.

I never had a guy spoil me like him, and not just with gifts. Leaving notes on my car while I'm working a shift, random text messages when we aren't together, writing a song for me to tell me how he feels, the way he looks at me; for a big bad biker and singer, he's a teddy bear.

We shopped some more, got frozen yogurt, then Noah texted Lindsey and told her they would be done in about an hour so we headed back to their house. We started to get the food prepped and ready before the guys got back. By the time the guys walked in the only thing left to do was throw the burgers on the grill, which Jess was already officially named the grill master.
"Lindsey, I forgot to ask, those burgers aren't deer are they?"  I asked. I refuse to eat deer at all. It's kind of one of those against my religion things.
"Umm, no, I just bought those at Kroger yesterday, why?" She asked kind of looking confused. I looked over at Brantley knowing this won't go down well since he hunts, and thanking God Michael Lee isn't here right now.

"I, uh, don't eat deer and just wanted to make sure I wasn't being tricked into eating it." 
"Baby what do you mean you don't eat deer?" Brantley asked, crossing is arms over his chest trying to look wounded. Ben, being Ben interjects "this oughta be good".

"I just don't eat deer is all. And don't even think about trying to trick me Brantley Keith!" I replied. "Trust me, I will get you and you won't even know it!" He said as he pulled me in for a kiss "I can't believe you don't eat deer, I'm crushed!" 

We ate dinner, sat around the fire pit for awhile, and goofed off. I had a blast with the guys and hanging out with Lindsey. We made plans to take the kids to the zoo tomorrow while the guys were putting the finishing touches on the set list for the tour that was scheduled to start week after next. About midnight Brantley and I said our good byes and I grabbed my bags and we got in the truck and headed back to the Omni.

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