Chapter 17: Home sweet Home

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"Well alright Jacky." I said, smiling a light smile back. I remembered that Mark told me to tell him if anything happened, and I would say getting punched in the face counts as something happening. I grabbed my phone and Jacky shot me a confused look as to what I was doing. "Oh, my friend wanted me to tell him what happened at the party." I said, pulling up my messages. "Ah." Was all Jacky said.

(Y/N): Hey Mark.

Mark: Hey (Y/N). How's the party?

(Y/N) :Well, it turned out that Logan was here and he had a completely different look, catching me off guard. He and Jacky got into a fight, and my trying to him Jacky, I got punched in the face. I thing I 'might' be ready to come home. And how's Ethan?

Mark: What?!?!?! And who is Jacky???? And Ethan's fine, but back to you. Do you want me to come right now???

(Y/N): Yea. Jack Ferrit told me to call him Jacky. That's good Ethan's okay. And yea, I do. Even tho Jacky cleaned me up, I just want to come back home. And my stomach hurts.

Mark. Alright. I'm on my way.

(Y/N): I'll be outside.

I turned my phone off and got up. "Where are you going? Are you leaving already?" Jacky asked me, standing up aswell. "Yea, I miss my friends, who are like my family, and I miss my boyfriend." As that last word my mouth, he froze, his eyes widening. "Are you alright Jacky?" I asked. "Y-Yea," He said, almost like I snapped him out of a trance. He lead me down the hallway, and to the door of the party. "Have fun." He said, his eyes almost lifeless. All of his energy disappeared after I told him why I wanted to to home. He tossed me a small piece of paper. It had a phone number on it. "Give it a call." He said, walking back inside. It looked like it was Jacky's number. I put it in my pocket. Mark's car pulled up soon after.

Me and Mark didn't try to talk about what happened at the party yet. It looked like he wanted to wait till we were home to talk about it.

We arrived at home. It was so nice to finally be home, even if I hadn't even been gone for 24 hours. As soon as we opened the door, a large pair of warm, soft arms wrapped around me. I wrapped my arms around him aswell. "I love you (Y/N)." Ethan said, kissing my forehead. "I love you too Ethan." I said, smiling. We dropped the subject of what happened at the party. We went over to the couch, but didn't sit down. I yawned, Ethan did the same. "Want to get some sleep after your long party?" Ethan asked me. I nodded, still yawning. We went into his bedroom. We got all cozy and before we knew it, we were both asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night. No one else was awake. My stomach was feeling, weird. All of a sudden I ran into the bathroom and vomited. Just morning sickness?

(A/N) I'm sorry if this chapter is a bit bland, but it's currently 2 in the morning. I haven't really been able to focus, so I've been writing this chapter for 2 hours. But I want to say that I really appreciate the two people who commented on my stories, who weren't me or my friends in real life. ThatGamerGirl13 and pasenelterere for commenting and giving me feedback. You won't really know the feeling when someone comments on your story unless your a writer who made the choice to put your work out there. These people showed me that new people read my story every day and like it! It makes me happy to find that they like it. It encourages me to keep writing even when I don't have a lot of time. It tells me to write, if not for me, then for those who like my stories. I know it looks like I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but it really means a lot to me. Thanks for listening to/reading this 200 word Author's Note.

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