Chapter 10: Needed Rest?

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I leaned my head on his chest. We both yawned. "Get a room!" Jack yelled from across the room. "Where are you, Bob, and Wade staying anyways?" Tyler yelled back from the side of the room I was on. Jack yelled back. And thus a conversation of yelling began. Everyone joined in, except me and Ethan. We looked at each other, and walked into his room. We got under the covers. He turned around to where his front was next to my back. He wrapped his arms around me. We cuddled. I heard snoring coming from behind me. Ethan was so cute when he slept. Even though we have only been talking for  almost 4 weeks, I love him.

I woke up. I didn't see anyone. "Ethan?" No one responded. I walked out side, and still no one. I checked every room in the house. Still no one. I was freaking out. Had they abandoned me? I fell on the floor crying. What had I don't wrong? What did I do? The door opened. I saw Ethan. He walked over to me slowly. I ran up and hugged him. I looked up at him. Instead of having a happy face, he had an, angry face. He pushed me backwards and kept walking to the kitchen. "Ethan?" I said, confused. "Get out." He looked at me. "W-What?" I didn't know what do to. "I said get out!" He pointed his finger towards the door. "What did I do?" I asked, scared he would beat me like Logan did. "If you weren't so stupid and dated that Logan guy, I wouldn't be in pain! It's your fault! Now get out!" He yelled even louder, just like Logan used to. He blamed me just like Logan used to. I was shaking. I bursted into tears.  He started walking towards me. "I said get out!" He yelled the loudest yet. And just like Logan used to, he hit me.

I sat up. Breathing heavily. I was on Ethan's bed. I looked over and saw Ethan sleeping. I sighed a sigh of relief, but still started crying. I can't take it. What if he does leave me? What if he ends up just like Logan? What do I do? I was crying pretty hard now. I felt a hand on my shoulder. When I turned around, Ethan pulled me close, and connected our lips. "Trust me it will be okay. I will never leave you. I don't know what happened with Logan, but I am not him. I am loving, I will never leave, I will never hit you, mistreat you, I will never do anything like that. I need you to know this. (Y/N), I love you." He said that, almost like He could read my mind. It was incredible that he knew what I was thinking. I started the water works up again, not just out of pain, but also out of relief.

He held me, we sat there for a moment. I was crying in his arms. I stopped crying after a few minutes. He lifted my chin up. I kissed him, wrapping my arms around him tightly. He slid his hands down to my waist. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt. He moved his hand swiftly, just within my view. I let out a yelp and stood off the bed, backing up against the wall. It reminded me of Logan. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean toooo, uh, what did I do?" The look on his face said how sorry he was. Now I felt bad. " N-Nothing. Something just reminded me of, him." I said, unable to make eye contact. He came up and hugged me. "I'm so sorry (Y/N). If I had known. I wouldn't have." He said, holding me tightly. I heard a knock on the door. It was Mark.

(A/N) I'm running out of things to put here....

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