Part 21: Just A Dream

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A/N: I am so tired, and yet full of energy rn, I don't even know what life is anymore. I had an idea pop into my head from an awesome Destiel fic, that I had the idea to put it in my own story. Trigger Warning for this chapter.

Henry P.O.V

Its been about 2 weeks after I woke up, and I was currently sitting in the backyard with Maverick at her house. Sitting underneath a tree, reading a book, with Maverick curled up to me. "Hey babe, I'm bored." I looked at her and chuckled, "Hey babe, I'm reading." I say mocking her voice. She scoffed, "I don't even sound like that." I laughed, "It's the best I could do." We sat there laughing.

I got up, and helped her up as well. I kissed her quickly, "I'll see ya later Ricky, the boys and I were gonna hang." She nodded, "Go on your way and have fun. Also tell Reggie that Meatball needs more food." I chuckled and nodded. "Love you. I'll be back later." She waved and went inside. I started walking to the diner, where we were all gonna eat and hang out.

We sat there, eating, joking around, sharing a couple of laughs. It was good, I had a lot of fun.

Belch was staying at Vic's with Pat too. While I was gonna stay with Maverick. We all said bye, and went on our way.

The walk back to Maverick's was short, but I had this weird feeling wash over me. Like something bad happened. I walked in, but no one was around. I went upstairs, and saw that the bathroom light was on. I knocked twice, "Mav? You in there?" No answer. 'Strange' I peaked my head in, and almost screamed. I started to cry at the sight.

Maverick was laying on the floor in her own blood. Her forearms had deep cuts in them, with blood still gushing out. Her eyes were all cloudy, and she laid there lifeless. "MAVERICK!" I went up next to her, and felt for a pulse. Nothing... no heart beat, no breathing, Nothing...

I started sobbing, and let out a choked out scream. "How could I have prevented this!" I was shaking and crying. "Sh-she's gone!" I laid my head on her shoulder, and cried till there was no more tears.

"Henry! Wake up!" I felt hands on my shoulders, being shaken. "Henry! Babe please!" I woke up with a jolt, my cheeks were wet. 'I was crying. No, I am crying.' I clung to Maverick, trying to calm down. "I-it was just a d-dream..." She pulled away slightly confused, but also relieved that I had calmed down. "What?" I sighed, and looked away. "I just had the worst nightmare, you k-killed your...." I paused and let out a shaky breath. I pulled her back into a hug, "Don't ever leave me... Please." She rubbed my back, "Baby, I'm never planning on it." We both pulled away, but I pulled her into a long kiss. The type of kiss where you put all of your emotions into it. All of my sadness, and heartbreak into it. While Maverick matched that intensity with Passion.

We pulled away gasping for breath, I looked at the clock. It's red numbers read 3:42 am. "Mav, its quarter to four, we should go back to bed." Maverick nodded. She snuggled up beside me, and I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in closer. We drifted off to sleep. Into a dreamless sleep, just surrounded by darkness

A/N: Yo! 718 READS! OH MY CHUCK! I ALMOST CRIED WHEN I SAW THAT! You people are truly amazing. Thank you so so so so so so much for sticking around and reading this shitty story. I know this chapter is really fuckin short, but it's just a filler chapter. Thanks again, and I will update later on. PEACE!

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