Part One: Out Of The Blue

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Edited: March 3rd, 2021

Henry's P.O.V

As I was making my way over to Belch's car when he picked me up for school, I basically bolted out of the house to get away from my father. God he was awful... I went to get in to the passenger side but there sat Maverick Huggins, a very beautiful and strong kid "Get your ass in the back Bowers!" She hissed at me. I didn't recognise her at first with her fiery red hair in two long braids and a pair of sunglasses covering her smokey grey coloured eyes. She may have only been a couple of months younger, but she was fucking gorgeous and was more mature. Cigarette placed between her lips and she blew the smoke out of her nose.

She looked angelic, nose pierced on the right with a gold ring, and same on her lower lip but on the left. She tilted her sunglasses down and gave me a confused look. I was snapped out of thought when I heard her speak, "Take a picture Babe, it'll last longer." She chuckled and took another drag of her cigarette. I blushed and cleared my throat "Sorry..." Belch was currently giving me a death glare while Vic and Patrick struggled to keep their laughter to them selves. I hopped in and we drove to school jamming out to Metallica.

As soon as we got to school, she bolted out and ran and hugged her best friend Beverly Marsh.

Maverick's P.O.V

As soon as I engulfed her into a hug, she laughed and hugged back. I haven't seen her in 2 weeks. When I was gone, I was so bored and lonely. Who knew you'd be in the psych ward for attempted suicide, note the sarcasm. "Honey its been so long and quiet without you!" I giggled, "Fill me in on the drama that went down while I was gone." Beverly laugh, recounting all the events that has happened in the past two weeks

When class time rolled around I didn't really care that I was 10 minutes late. I took my sweet ass time, slowly strolling into class while the teacher was doing her lesson. Ms. Singer sighed,"Glad you could finally join us Ms.Huggins." I chuckled "No problemo" I may have been good in school, but its just a waste of time. After a painfully long hour passed and it was second period.

I went to my next class that I had with Patrick, we just fucked around the entire time. We were in the back just talking and laughing about whatever. I was about to bust a gut when he fell out of his chair, he was rocking back and forth and the fuckwad tipped his chair too much causing him to fall on his ass. He groaned and I almost died. He shot a look telling me to stop, but that just caused me to roar with laughter. I got sent out into the hallway and I decided to skip the rest of the period.

I went out for a smoke and saw Henry out there too. I chuckled as I skipped over to him and pulled out a cigarette. "How goes it Hot Stuff?" I proceeded to light my cigarette and Henry blushed, "Not much... How about you?" I took a puff and blew the smoke in his face, "Eh, me and Patrick were messing around in class. I now have stomach cramps because I was laughing to hard."Henry just stood there smoking for a minute or two, we were silent for a while.

It was a comfortable silence though. Out of the blue, Henry said the most unexpected thing. "Hey Ricky, do you like me?" I was shocked at first but thought for a moment. "Ya I do actually, you're pretty chill, you're so fucking cool, and I'm jealous. You are the only person that can pull off that mullet, and I find you really attractive." I blushed as I said the last part and looked away as I took a long drag of my cigarette. "What about you Bowers, do you like me?" I questioned and he looks me right in the eyes, and I just realised how beautiful his eyes were.

Belch's P.O.V
(Earlier today before school)
I knocked on Maverick's door before entering and saw her still asleep. She looked so peaceful during her slumber I hated to wake her up. Meatball ran in the room and jumped on her bed. I chuckled as I saw her wake up slowly and pet the cat. "Morning Ricky, we have to get up for school... Mom left your medications on the table." She sighed and got up wearing just a guns and roses tee short and black sweatpants. She's had a couple tough blows during her life, and I would do anything to help or protect her.

~Flashback~ (from yesterday hanging with Henry)"Dude, do you know how your sister feels about me?" I was staring daggers at Henry, and he looked down at the ground."Come on man, you've known I've had a thing for her for like 6 years now! Help me out!" I contemplated what he said for a moment and sighed. "I can't believe I'm telling you this, but she's liked you for a while. But if you hurt her, I will fucking obliterate you. You know what she's been through." I looked away from him and we just sat there in silence. ~End Flashback~

3rd Person P.O.V

As Henry looked Maverick in the eyes, he mustered all the courage he had, "Ricky I'll just give it to you straight." He took a deep breath, struggling to put the right words together to form a coherent sentence. Maverick crinkled her nose in confusion as the boy in front of her was trying to not sound like an idiot.

Henry took a second to look at her, and he started to become sidetracked by how gorgeous she looked, he caught himself ogling at her and started to blush. "I-i've liked you for six years Maverick, six whole fucking years. The way you are an absolute gutter mouth, and have no filter. Y-your so strong mentally and physically, you can hold your own in a fight and win against some of the strongest people. I admire your strength, but I can't help but be envious of it as well." Henry stopped talking for a second, he ran a hand through his dirty blond locks.

Maverick stood there shocked, dumbfounded by her friend's confession, but the small smile never left her lips as Henry continued on. "You have been through so much, and yet you still continue to smile. And you have the most amazing smile." Henry looked down as he said the last part, too afraid to see Maverick's reaction to everything he was saying.

Maverick's smile grew wider as Henry looked up at her with his face a bright pink. Henry cracked a goofy grin of his own, "You are able to become friends with anyone, you even managed to befriend the fucking Loser's Club." Both of them giggled at the statement, "You are down right awesome, one of the sweetest people that I know."

Henry took Maverick's hand in his own, "You are so caring, and loving... I don't know what I'd do without you Ricky. But you do have a dark side towards you, you turn into the scariest and most angriest person ever. You give Patrick a run for his money with how unhinged you can get. But it's honestly kind of hot-" Henry cut him self off with a laugh, Maverick giggled along with him.

A minute passed, Maverick didn't say anything. Henry grew concerned with the silence while Maverick weighed her options. She did the most logical thing and pulled Henry close to her, leaning in and pressing a sweet kiss on his lips.

Henry stood shocked for a couple seconds before he melted into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Maverick's waist. They stayed like that for a couple seconds, before they had to pull away because they were smiling too much to continue kissing.

The bell rang loud signalling the end of second period, meaning lunch has started. They walked into school hand in hand, and when they reached the rest of the Bowers' Gang, the three boys whistled. Vic laughed, "Finally, took you what? 5 fucking years to get together." All of them laughed, and Maverick could say that this was the happiest she had been in a long time.

A/N: Hello frens, it is I Bobbie. After putting it off, I finally edited the first chapter. Only 23 more chapters to go :/ I will however post the unedited version so people can laugh at me.

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