Part Eleven: What Happened

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A/N: Hey there, so this chapter is not in Henry's perspective. I hope you enjoy.

Henry P.O.V

I came up to a house that I never thought I would go to. Patrick's house.

I went up to the door still shaking and knocked.

He answered the door and just stared. "What the hell happened to you? Why are there bandages on your neck? What the hell?"

"I-i... M-my d-dad... h-he's Dead. I ki-ki-killed him. A kn-knife, he c-cut me... and then h-he tr-tr-tried again, a-and th-then I st-sta-stabbed him"

Patrick P.O.V

I looked at him and he was shaking and basically white as a ghost. He was just staring off into space and I brought him to my room. "I a-al-ready cleaned u-up, a-and got rid o-of h-his bo-body." I pulled him into a hug and rubbed his back.

"Henry you're ok. I got you. I got you. You're safe." We stayed like that for a while and he stopped shaking. "I-I'm sorry. I d-didn't know w-where t-to go." I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "Henry it's ok. You are welcome here when ever. I just want to know if you're Ok. I know you aren't going to be fully ok, but I am just checking."

He looked away and sighed "I-I'm not ok. I was so scared, and he went a-after me. Then h-he cut me, and went to do I-it again. I just fr-froze, and then just t-took it a-and stabbed his ha-hand. I ran, he ch-chased and then I st-st-stabbed him."

I felt so bad for him. He just broke down. I pulled him back into a hug, and I just thought back to when I helped out Maverick.

~Flashback Start~

Maverick was a crying mess. I was just hugging her the entire time telling her she was safe. Just trying to comfort her and calm her down.

~Flashback End~

Henry had his head in the crook of my neck and just cried. I was starting to fall apart at the sight of such a strong looking boy in front of me break down.

In my 15 years of life, I've had two strong kids break down in front of me, have broke down along with them. I have also got a fridge in the woods with animal corpses.

I was snapped out of thought when Henry started talking again. "H-hey Pat?" I pulled away and gave him a sympathetic look, "Ya Hen. What's wrong?" He took a deep breath and turned sheepish. "Can you make me forget? Make me feel better?" His cheeks were red and my mouth was wide open. "W-what do you m-mean Henry?"

"I want you. I want you to make me feel good." He tilted his head to the side and started rubbing my arms. "Y-you have a g-girlfriend He-Henry. I wo-wouldn't do th-that to h-her." He smirked but still red in the face, "She doesn't have to know Patrick. It could be our little secret."

I pulled away from him and crossed my arms over my chest. "You're getting over everything that just happened. You aren't thinking straight. You'll regret this afterwards." He came closer to me and looks up into my eyes. "I'm thinking clearly. And I won't regret this. I want this."

I pushed him away "Fuck off Henry, this isn't right. Think about what will happen to Maverick if she finds out about this, about you wanting to hook up with someone else. Especially if she found out that it was me that you tried to get with. I helped her out and am there for her. It will break her heart completely."

His eyes full of lust stared me down. He was coming closer and backed me into the wall. He pressed up against me and started planting kisses along my neck. "H-Henry, this isn't right." I tried pushing him away but he grabbed my arms. "Just give in Patrick. I know you want this." I pressed sternly "You need to leave Henry. You need to get out before I do something I regret." He chuckled "What, are you going to give in?" I pushed him away and and shook my head. "No, I wouldn't do that. I would never do that. I would force you out."

He rolled his eyes and started to walk to the door. "Fine, but don't come crawling back to me." I slammed my door and crawled in bed. "What the hell? I have to tell Maverick. I have to..." And like that, I drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

A/N: Boom. This took quite a turn! Hope you enjoyed it!

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