What You Should Know

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Hey Peoples. This isn't a chapter for the story. But to explain the story.

Also, Quick Note: I will update at least once a week. I shockingly have a life, and can't update daily. But if I have free time, I might update twice a week. It all depends on my mood, my free time, and if I have a big enough idea. I mean I have a lot of ideas so far. So... ya

I'm not going by the book or the movies. It's my take on it. I checked a comment on the second chapter, and I know that she is an amazing mother. I wanted my take on the story, and made her the complete opposite.

Belch doesn't even have a sister, there isn't a girl in the Bowers Gang. I'm taking an absolutely amazing story, and doing what I want to it. And if you don't like it... Well I am sorry, I am doing it the way I want to, and doing what I think is good.

I mean, if you have any small suggestions pr ideas... maybe comment them.

Everyone has their own ideas, thoughts, plans, all that other bullshit. But this story, it's all from my tiny brain. Not Bob from down the road, or Xavier the cashier at the grocery store, or the pizza delivery guy's ideas. THEY ARE MINE. MINE FROM MY BRAIN, MY SPIN ON IT! *Clears Throat* Other writers have their own take on stuff is all I'm tryna say.

Have a great day or night!

~Andy :{D

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