Old Wounds

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"Okay let's go" Caitlin said walking into the Cortex freshly showered and in a new set of clothes, black ripped jeans, with a white shirt and her staple leather jacket.

"Not me I have to get back to the station, I've got a ton of paperwork" Joe said looking at his phone.

"And I'm going to go see what else I can think of to defeat DeVoe." Harry said angrily.

"So I guess its just us four then" Cisco said with a huge grin on his face.

The members of team S.T.A.R. Labs drove over to the nearest Big Belly Burger. They grabbed a booth, Iris and Cisco sitting on one side with Barry and Caitlin on the other. They all ordered burgers, Barry ordered five which gained a quizzical look from their waitress. But Caitlin only ordered a fountain drink.

"Cait, you need to eat" pleaded Barry.

"I know Barry, I'm just not that hungry right now. I'll eat later" she replied sipping on her fountain drink.

Cisco, Iris, and Barry continued on talking while Caitlin was staring into space. Her mind was somewhere else until a man caught her eye. He was acting strange, just waiting by the door, almost like he was standing guard. Then she noticed the gun at his hip, and she could just barley see the black snake tattoo on his neck. This confirmed her suspicion, the Black Mamba was here, probably for her.

She grabbed Barry's hand under the table, he started to blush until he looked up at her and saw the fear on her face. She turned to the others at the table and whispered, "Barry if this goes south I need you to run all the civilians out and come back here." Now looking at both Cisco and Barry, "Do not get involved unless I give you a signal. No. Matter. What."

"Wait Cait, what is going-" but Barry was interrupted by a man walking over to the table.

"Caity, I haven't see you in a couple of months, how are you?" he asked as if him and Caitlin were best friends.

"What do you want Marshall?" she spat at him.

"Is that any way to treat your boyfriend you bitch?" he growled while placing his hand on her injured shoulder causing Caitlin to wince and Barry to just about jump out of his seat.

"You really can't take no for an answer can you? Why are you here, I know its not because you want to get back together, because that option went out the window when you decided I was your punching bag."

Barry, felt a sting in his heart. He was angry that this man had ever had the audacity to date Caitlin, let alone use her as a punching bag. He squeezed her hand under the table as he began to feel her shake.

"You always were straight to the point weren't you Caity?" he said while grabbing her jaw, causing everyone at the table to tense. "You killed a brother, a member of Black Mamba. You didn't think you could get away scott free, did you? Oh Caity, you'll be dead by the end of the week, and I, will, make, you, suffer." he spat at her, and walked away leaving those at the table, again in shock, at what was just revealed about Caitlin.

Only Barry noticed the single tear fall from Caitlin's face, being quick about wiping it away. He wanted to make that Marshall pay for what he did to Caitlin.

Iris finally broke the silence at the table and asked with pity, "So I'm assuming that you know him Caitlin."

"Yes, I do, unfortunately. I dated him after I left the team. I broke up with him because he got a little too...... violent. That's when I met Amnunet. He hasn't left me alone ever since." Caitlin said obviously uncomfortable and done talking about it.

Barry looked at her then put his arm around her, "Come on I'll take you back to my apartment, you're staying with me starting tonight."

Caitlin looked at him, "But... actually... okay, lets go." she responded, not having the energy to protest.

While She Was Gone {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now