Back to Work

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A few days later all is normal at S.T.A.R. Labs, Caitlin is back to work at night for Amnunet, unwillingly of course. Amnunet did not appreciate the betrayal and to show her power over Caitlin (and Killer Frost) she would randomly shock her using the tech that Caitlin was injected with. The shock would start out as a slow buzz; if she was lucky, then pick up to a full fledged shock. Surprisingly it hadn't happened in front of anyone.

Barry continued to help the city but noticed something was off about Caitlin. She was jumpy all the time and would get really uncomfortable when someone would get to close or try to touch her. She seemed closed off and sad. But with DeVoe was killing of Metahumans at a alarming rate most of Barry's, and the team's time and focus, went towards stopping him.

The whole team, Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Harry, and Iris, were in the Cortex discussing how to stop DeVoe.

"Are we sure there were no security on the bus, I mean for God's sake its a public bus!" Iris exclaimed in frustration.

"Iris that was one of the few Central City buses that weren't updated, and DeVoe knew that. He freaking planned for everything." Cisco replied

"He's too smart we can't stop him" explained as he threw the pen he was holding against the wall.

Barry chimes in "Okay, wait, what are just giving up? That's not how we do things. Come on guys. Does anyone have anything new? Caitlin, didn't you ride that bus to swab for DNA? Did you get anything?

Caitlin continued to stare into space gritting her teeth trying to ignore the electrical current that just began running through her, not realizing Bary had just asked her a question.

"Caitlin? Caitlin!" Barry yelled

Caitlin jumped from her chair behind the monitor "What? What happened?"

Cisco chuckled "It looks like you were in your own world. Barry asked if you got anything from the DNA on the bus. Did you?"

"Oh, sorry. And the answer to that is no. Do you realize how many different sets of DNA are on one seat? I've got about 400 sets in total. So I need something to narrow- Caitlin was cut off by the pain that was rising inside of her, she clutched her head and stomach realizing that it was about to get a whole lot worse for her.

Barry saw the pain that was written all over her face, she wasn't very good at hiding it, so he rushed to her side, "Caitlin are you okay? What's going on?"

"Yah Barry I'm fine, I just feel nauseous and dizzy, that's all....anyways the DNA isn't going to-" The buzzing grew to a shock, sending a painful electrical current throughout her entire body. She collapsed yelling in agony. She heard Barry trying to comfort her and Cisco telling Harry to prep the medbay. That's all she heard until the pain was to much to bare and she drifted into unconsciousness.

Barry carried an unconscious Caitlin into the medbay freaking out, "What the hell just happened? It looked like she was being electrocuted."

"Well at least she's unconscious, she was obviously in a lot of pain. I've never heard her scream like that before" replied a shaken Cisco.

"Maybe it was appendicitis, Cisco grab the ultra sound, we need to figure out what's wrong." said a confused Harry.

Harry begins to pull up her shirt to examine her abdomen, and looks at her in horror. Her stomach was covered in bruises and cuts. It looked like she had been beaten. "Okay I don't know what's going on with Snow but we need to do whatever we can to help her. I'll do the ultrasound and a blood panel, that's really all I can do until she wakes up and we can get some answers."

Barry sits next to Caitlin while Harry draws her blood, he holds her hand says, "You're going to be okay Cait. I will take care of you. You need to tell us what's going on with you. Please Cait. Please be okay."

While She Was Gone {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now