Say Cheese!

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I'd like to send a shout out to a couple of people who have been seriously making writing this story so much fun. Thank you to Leslie (StarttheFantasy), Ashley (edwardsouthernbella), Stephanie (luvstwilight09), Lexi (SexyLexiCullen), Kiki (kikithedreamer) and Kyla (theonlykyla) for their support and pimp-age of the story. I love you, ladies! MUAH! Also, thank you to the ladies of The Lemonade Stand for their mention on their blog! Thank you to Wendy from TwilightFicZone for the wonderful review on her blog! I'm truly humbled at the response to this story. I mean, wow! Also to all of my frequent know who you are, especially Sandra, Mrs. Bella Masen, BernieR, dj071688, phoebelicious, SoraChan01, WhatObsession17, Leibeezer, missie33, Smusic and tropicnebula! Your reviews and words of encouragement make me so happy. And they make me write faster!

Also, I don't own any of this. I make no money for writing these stories. Though I would like to. I just need to get an original thought or characters. Or something...

In regards to fast forwarding, I'm going to do it after the photo shoot with Victoria. Forgot about that. Engagement pictures/foundation pictures/Bella naked pictures...

Chapter Thirty-One: Say Cheese!


"Mr. Cullen, the factory in Naperville is on line one for you," Eric said. "They need you to come out or something."

"Thanks, Eric," I said over the intercom. I pounded my head against my desk. I want to go back to Maui. Work sucks. "This is Edward Cullen," I said into the telephone. I listened to the factory manager and his complaints about the tablet. He couldn't get the parts to fit. If I could do it with my huge hands, he could do it with the damn robots. I barked out something and told him I'd be there in an hour. I sent Bella a text explaining that I might be late for dinner and I left the office. I got to the plant and worked with the factory manager, fine tuning his damn robots. After I addressed that, he finally calmed down. But he did grumble that he was not paid enough for this shit. I snapped and told him that if he's unhappy, he could find employment elsewhere. He paled and apologized. I'd never fired anybody but I was so stressed out. Everything went to hell while I was on vacation. At least at Whitlock.

The foundation was coming along smoothly. The warehouse no longer looked like a warehouse. It looked like a place for kids to learn and grow. Esme had hired some awesome decorators, in addition to well-respected professionals in their field of children's psychology.

Bella and I had the photo shoot for the foundation this weekend, and our engagement photos scheduled as well. Alice told me that she was pulling some fun clothes for the foundation shoot and some elegant clothes for the engagement photos. The foundation shoot was going to be at Victoria's studio off of Belmont. Our engagement shoot was going to be in Grant Park. I was looking forward to that. However, I still hated to get my photo taken. I'm not that photogenic. Alice and Emmett were much more attractive than me.

Bella thinks you're hot.

Anyhow, I managed to fix the huge problems at Whitlock within the first few days back from vacation. Though, I was a cranky son of a bitch. So was Bella. She was stressing over her new job and dealing with James Hunter. He named her in his lawsuit against Twilight Publishing. He was suing her for defamation of character, breach of contract and several other cock and bull charges. She was sobbing when she got served at the office of Eclipsed Sun. Tia, her boss, told her that it was not going to court. The company was looking to sue James for several charges of slander on behalf of me and several other people that he used as his 'muses.' All of them were from my high school. All of us were teased by James. Or Laurent. I decided to contact them via Facebook and asked to meet with them to discuss putting together a civil suit against James Hunter. They all agreed. We were meeting next week with Jenks to begin the process.

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