Luaus, Lahaina and Sweet Loving

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I'd like to send a shout out to a couple of people who have been seriously making writing this story so much fun. Thank you to Leslie (StarttheFantasy), Ashley (edwardsouthernbella), Stephanie (luvstwilight09), Lexi (SexyLexiCullen), Kiki (kikithedreamer) and Kyla (theonlykyla) for their support and pimp-age of the story. I love you, ladies! MUAH! Also, thank you to the ladies of The Lemonade Stand for their mention on their blog! Thank you to Wendy from TwilightFicZone for the wonderful review on her blog! I'm truly humbled at the response to this story. I mean, wow! Also to all of my frequent know who you are, especially Sandra, Mrs. Bella Masen, BernieR, dj071688, phoebelicious, SoraChan01, WhatObsession17, Leibeezer and tropicnebula! Your reviews and words of encouragement make me so happy. And they make me write faster!

Also, congratulations to BethMasenCullen for being my 1000th reviewer! You get a special shout out since you helped me reach a milestone in my reviews! MUAH!

Just fair warning...this chapter will be filled with extra juicy lemony goodness, again. If you're under the age to vote...don't read.

Also, I don't own any of this. I make no money for writing these stories. Though I would like to. I just need to get an original thought or characters. Or something...

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Luaus, Lahaina and Sweet Loving


Before we headed out for the final wave before dinner, I had a sinking feeling in my belly. I ignored it and waited for the swell. I paddled madly and hopped on my feet. This wave was higher than any other that I had ridden and it was insanely rocky. My heart was stammering as I struggling to stay up. I lost my footing and fell into the water. I felt a sharp pain against my temple. I frantically swam for the surface, but I felt like it never came. My lungs were burning, screaming for air. I finally popped out of the water only to get swallowed up by another wave.

I heard yelling but couldn't pinpoint it. I felt the water swirl around me, pushing my body further out to sea. Eventually, a pair of strong hands grabbed my waist. My mind was drifting. I don't remember much else. The only thing I could focus on was Edward's frantic voice...


"Bella! Bella, love! Open your eyes! Please!" I cradled Bella's head in my lap, pushing her wet curls away from her face. I noticed a small gash on her temple.

"Paul, go to the shop and get the first aid kit," Kelly barked. She leaned close to Bella's mouth and listened for breathing. "She's breathing okay." Kelly made a fist and rubbed along Bella's sternum. She curled in a ball, moaning quietly. "She'll be fine, Edward. Probably just a nasty headache."

"Baby," I whimpered, caressing her cheeks. Paul came back and pulled out a small bottle. He opened it and waved it under Bella's nose. Her face scrunched.

"Get that nasty ass smelling shit out of my nose," she groaned. Kelly laughed and took out a bottle of water, pressing it to Bella's lips. I helped Bella to sit up. She leaned against my chest heavily and chugged the bottle of water down. She coughed a few times. "What happened?"

"You fell off your board and got clocked by it," Kelly said with a grimace. "You've got quite the goose egg on your temple, sweetie."

"So, that's the extreme pain I feel on my head," Bella said grumpily.

Kelly checked out her bump. "I don't think you'll need stitches which is a good thing. However, you're done for the day."

"Really, you think?" Bella and I asked. Bella turned and gave me a quiet snicker. I held her tightly, kissing her cheek. "Definitely no more surfing for you, love."

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