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I turn around once hearing the front door open. These past days, I've been paranoid. Ever since the incident that happened. 

The pack still doesn't know and I'm not sure if I have the courage to tell them. I was scared that they would make me do what the plan said. I admit I felt a little jealous when she mentioned knowing Theo. Maybe they have history? Honestly, it's Theo so who knows?

"Hey son," Stiles says happily but once he sees how I'm staring at the floor he becomes concerned. "Hey, what's wrong?" Scott's voice comes into hearing. 

"Trouble," was all I could seem to get out. "Trouble what? Do you want me to call Theo? Does he know?" they kept asking questions. 

"Yea call Theo," breathing out. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I being like this? Maybe it's the fact that when Theo wanted power, he killed Scott? But Scott is alive, he survived. He is a true alpha.

"He said he's on his way-" Stiles gets cut off when the door opens. "Is he okay? What's wrong?" his voice comes in the room. 

"Liam, what's wrong?" I open my mouth to say words but they don't come out. Why am I being a little bitch? The only thing that I could form was, 'Do you know someone named Angel?' and those were the words I said. 

"Angel?" he stares at the guys confused but then his eyes closed and he sighs. "Angel, um," clearing his throat.

"Angel she- before when I was against you guys I had this partner and as the plan was supposed to go, we would steal Scott's power," Stiles had his arms crossed and I just stared. "After we didn't succeed she disappeared and that was around the time you guys sent me to hell." He tried to joke but we just stared at him.

"What did she say?" he turned to me. "Well, she said she was going to finish what you couldn't finish," mumbling. "She also needed you all to be drugged and taken to her," emphasizing 'all'. 

"Why would she need all of us?" Scott turned to Stiles. From the time that I have been here, I've noticed that Stiles' thoughts about the supernatural plans seem to always come out correct.

"She is gonna need you part of the pack?" Theo answered since that was his plan before. "No no," Stiles played with his fingers. "She is gonna need us all drugged to keep us away from trying to stop her." That one seemed more reasonable. 

"In order for your power to be fully taken away like when Theo did it, she is gonna need all of us to be out of her way," he glared at Theo. "Then that's exactly what we will have to do." Scott sighs.

Stiles did a double take to see if he heard correctly. My body shoots up ready to protest. "Are you crazy?!" 

"Look Stiles, Liam." Scott sighed. "We will be okay, We fought the Dread Doctors and the Benefactor, and we got Stiles back and remember," Stiles shook his head still in denial. "Stiles, we are this far. We defeated Peter, Jackson, The Darach, an Alpha pack, The Nemeton," still, he shook his head.

I've heard the story of Scott's love dying in his arms. It was the Nemeton that killed her. It was a soft and sad subject for the Pack. Theo made it pretty clear that he was tracking the pack when he was making his plan so he most likely knows about Allison.

"We will survive like we always do," Stiles simply continued with arms crossed and a shaking head. I sigh and sit back down. "When did she come?" Theo asked.

"A couple days ago," mumbling very low. "A couple days ago? Why are we barely finding out now?" My gaze was kept low. "Because this was exactly what I didn't want happening," sighing. Scott looked at me telling me to explain further.

"Because I was afraid of this! I know that you're a True Alpha Scott but you can get hurt. I knew that you would go along with the plan," huffing. Stiles nods his head agreeing. "Alright, pack meeting tomorrow at 2 p.m. I don't care if we have school, I better see all your asses there," Scott ordered.

Once they left, It was me and Theo alone. "Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered and sits next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Can we talk about this tomorrow?" dismissing the question.

"Okay, What do you wanna do then?" giving him a small smile. "I just want to cuddle and watch a movie with you. My parents aren't going to be home until tomorrow," My parents had to go to my grandmas for today and won't return until tomorrow. 

"Only if we watch Camp Rock," rolling my eyes as a bigger smile came onto my face. "Whatever dork," 


I became The fucking Flash when writing this chapter. I waited until right now to write it knowing damn well I was supposed to also upload it today. Hope you liked it. If any mistakes please point them out so I can fix. 

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