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"Hello everyone!" happily greeting the group as I sat at our table in lunch. The group weirdly stares at me. Theo gave me an even weirder look which I comply ignore and sit down.

"What's up with you?" Stiles says while he and Scott look at each other with eyebrows raised before looking at me. "Yall done got me fucked up, especially you guys," I point to my dads.

"Okay so there's this hot ass guy right? By the way, I am gay. Anyways, there's this hot as guy that walks up to me and asks for you two and said his name is Danny and how dare you guys not ever tell me about him." Stiles and Scott turn to each other fast, as does Lydia. Malia was confused. Theo stared blankly at me.

"Danny's back!" Lydia screamed and they stood up. The good thing is that they completely ignored or took me being gay the right way and I get to follow them while we look for him.

"Hold up," Scott stops the group. "Your gay?" Stiles caught on and turned to us. "Fuckin' finally," Stiles threw his hands in the air as he fist bumped Scott while they started to wrestle and Lydia clapped excitedly. "Thanks dads. And moms." thanking them and of course Malia and Lydia. Theo's fingertips brushed on my arm.

I turn to him and he gave a look of 'we need to talk'. "What were we doing?" Stiles asked Scott. "Danny!" Lydia finally spoke once she remembered.

I admit, Danny is hot and so is Theo. Just because me and Theo are fuck buddies, doesn't mean we can't flirt with other people. I know I know I was wondering what it would be like of we saw others just yesterday. I wanted to make Theo jealous.....

If that was possible.

After walking around for about five to ten minutes we found the attractive guy. "Danny!" Lydia jumps onto him. Stiles didn't seem to worry about which is weird since he worries about any guy that touches Lydia. Except for Scott and us of course.

"Hey guys, and you," his eyes land on me and he gives me a smile. "Let's play match maker!" Malia and Lydia say at the same time.

"Liam meet, Danny, he is single. 18 years old. Gay, faithful, loyal, funny, nice, sexy, and some other words that he can show you." Lydia says since Malia didnt seem to know much about him.

"Danny meet Liam, he is also gay.  Loyal, not a virgin anymore, will not get you down, cute, and that's about it," We laugh at Malia's attempt to make me seem like what Lydia described for Danny.

"Actually, Lydia, Im actually not single anymore," I frown a bit and hear Theo let out a sigh. "Who are you with Danny boy?" Stiles was eager to find out.

Just as Danny went to answer another voice answered for him. "He's with me," Jackson walks up to Danny and they hug before pecking each others lips.

"Jackson!" Scott and Stiles say in Surprise. Their smiles were showing and they all got into a group hug, dragging me in too. "Hey Liam, you have grown!" he ruffled my hair.

As everyone got into a conversation, I was pulled aside by Theo. "Me and you need to have a special talk." giving him a cheeky smile. "I hate you," he says as he grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss. He had snuck us into a closet which fit us both perfectly.

"Does this talk have to do about Danny?" I ask teasingly as I kissed his neck.

"No." he shifted which signified he was lying. "Are you jealous?" he stood quiet for a moment. "No."

"Relax Theo," kissing his lips again. "We arent done just yet, we just started." kissing him again. His tongue slips in my mouth, exploring every inch of it. Our tongues fight for dominace.

"Liam!" Stiles' voice is heard from outside of the door. We freeze and wait to see what will happen next. "That was close," whispering as we stared into each others eyes.


Alright yall, this is a bit rushed but I did it. Anyways, enjoy it and i hope you had/have a nice day. BTW I was rush editing so comment if someone is misspelled.

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