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A word children grow up wanting to be.
Something people think is more important over anything else.
A phrase that people loose themselves for,
just so people will like them.
They change who they are,
what they wear,
what they look like,
how they act,
just so people will accept them.
Society says that if you don't
have the perfect body, or
perfect hair or
a lot of money,
then you're not good enough.
They are so wrong.
So wrong.
You are perfect and beautiful
just the way you are.
If people make fun of you because you're "bigger" than the average person,
they're blind.
They are blinded by lies society told and they believed that it was true, when in reality,
it's not in the slightest.
You are breathe taking.
You are stunning.
You are a work of art.

I Find Myself in WordsWhere stories live. Discover now