Chapter 24 - Yah Asshole

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Lisa's POV


"Shut up, damn it." I mumbled, trying to turn my alarm off, soon realizing that I have school in an hour.

I sat up and turned the alarm off, seeing Momo is still asleep. I checked through social media for a minute. Jennie sent me a picture last night apparently, I must have been asleep when she did. I opened the picture to see Jennie with her hair in a bun and just a towel around her body. There was a caption that said, 'getting in the shower, wish you could join😜."


I put my phone down and got my uniform out, laying it on my bed. I went into the bathroom, closing the door and starting the shower, undressing in the process. There was a reflection of my in the mirror when I turned around, I checked myself out for a minute, while fixing my bangs for the time being.

When the water in the shower head got warm, I stepped in, the hot liquid hitting the whole front of my body nicely. I proceeded to wash my hair and body, making sure to scrub nicely, since it was my first shower by myself in months.

When I was finished I grabbed a towel that was right next to the shower curtain, and wrapped it around my body. I stepped out carefully, not wanting to slip and fall. My head turned to the bathroom door since it looked like the light was on in our bedroom.

I opened the door, seeing Momo up and changing. "God damn warn me next time." I rolled my eyes at her since she was practically naked. It wasnt anything new though. "Like it ever bothered you in the first place, asshole." Momo returned the eyes roll.

She walked over to me and hughed me tightly, smiling into my neck. "What was that about?" I asked, confused as to why she hugged me. "I dont know? Maybe because you're back and out of the hospital." Momo pulled back and tooked at me, ruffling my bangs up a little, then went back to getting ready.

I let my towel fall to the ground at I put my uniform on, nit paying much attention to Momo watching me. "And I'm the one who's naked all the time." I looked at her and giggled.

The blonde walked over to me again, lifting the back off my skirt up unexpectedly. "Lets see what Limario Oppa is wearing today." Momo joked.

"Yah!" I hit the side of Momo's arm. "Stop that." I pouted.

Momo laughed. "I see youre just going the normal pink lace. Those seem to be your favorite." She smiled.

"Hey what do you say after school, we go get our hair died. We already break dress code as it is. I was thinking of getting my hair cut short and died black. Like Mikasa from Attack on Titan." Momo was getting her bag ready. I still had to do my make up and hair.

I went into the bathroom, motioning her to follow me. "I mean that's fine. I was getting tired of the blonde anyway, it's just a lot to take care of and treat. I was thinking maybe just a brown color."

Momo nodded in agreement. "Do you knowbhow long it's been since I've seen you without blonde hair. 5 years. You dyed it a year after you got here." I smiled Momo's statement.

When I got to Korea I wanted to eliminate everything Thai from me. Well, except for my beautiful face. But that's besides the point. I curled my eye lashes after I put on my eye liner. "Let me just brush my hair and then we can go." I said, grabbing my brush.

"Kay." Momo left the bathroom. "I'm looking through you phone by the way."

I rolled my eyes at her statement, yay... Well now she gets to see the loads of pictures I have on my phone of Jennie, naked. That's going to be fun explaining later. I brushed my hair out and put it up in a high pony tail, strands of hair on the sides of my bangs hanging down since they were too short to fit in the tie.

I grabbed my fake circle glasses off of the night stand and put them on. "Ready," I said. Now I just had to waiy for Momo to give my phone back.

"How do you have that many erotic pictures on your phone of Jennie, Dahyun never sends me any. She says it's because she's a child of Jesus." Momo pouted, getting jealous. "Child of Jesus my ass." She crossed her arms and mumbled to herself.

I giggled at her little rant. "Come on Momo, we need to get to class. You can fuck your friend when we have break later." I on the other hand didn't realize I had to deal with Jisoo again and no attention from Jennie either.

Also did I mention Jennie's older brother Jiyoung (G-Dragon) hates me. He says I'm a bad influence when really Jennie's that bad influence. I was still sporting those hickeys everywhere on my body. Momo saw them last night after Jennie left to go to her dorm.

They're still there, but thankfully I my uniform in collared. At our school we aren't allowed to wear foundation or anything like that, only light makeup, like eyeliner or lipstick.

Momo and I stepped out of the door headed towards the school that was across the street. The students were all starting to file in, coming from the many directions of the dormitories. I spotted Jennie walking with Jisoo, her arm linked with hers.

That little slut better let go of my girlfriend. "Ugh..." I slumped over a little.

"What's your problem?" Momo asked.

"Look." I motioned my head in the direction Jisoo and Jennie were in.

Momo's mouth formed the shape of an 'O'. She looked at me then at Jennie. "Is somebody jealous." The blonde smiled, bringing her hands to my face and squishing my cheeks.

I looked at her and rolled my eyes, giving her a dirty look. "No, I'm not jealous, I'm just over protective. There's probably nothing even going on between them. Jisoo just likes to cause shit.

Third Person POV

Little did Lisa know, something did go on last night. Jisoo was fed up with Jennie hanging out with Lisa so much she ended up doing something. That Jennie doesn't remember. There's a reason why...

Sorry for that I didnt mean to be so rude. But you know I'm known for breaking hearts. What do you think Jisoo did. Tell me in the comments below what your thoughts are.

Author-nim out!😘❤

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