Chapter 17 - Back to the Basics

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A/N - Ah shit guys. The story has reached 1k. 1-motherfucking-k. I can't just can't believe this happened. To reward you guys ill give those who want a smut book a smut book. But it'll take time because I need a perfect cover for it.

Thanks guys.


Lisa's POV

"Shit!" I yelled, trying to brace myself from the impact on the floor. So it's the next day and I'm struggling to move my still dead weight legs. Physical therapy sucks... So fucking much.

"Ms. Monoban, please watch your language there are children around," said the physical therapist. Her name was Solar. She was pretty cute but too old for me. Then again she's like mid-twenties I'm what, 16.

I held onto the bars on either side of me, trying to get my legs to move. It was still hard for my brain to comprehend the fact that I need my god damn legs to fucking move. (Mind my language)

Jennie was sitting in a chair off to the side, cheering me on, and giggling every time I swore. I stood back up and gripped onto the bars again.

I want to fucking die. Like honestly I dont care at this point. Physical therapy sucks ass. My feet just seemed to limply drag across the floor.

About 10 minutes later I finally got to the end; out of breath of course. "C-Can I get a bottle of water, please." I panted, sitting down shakily.

Jennie wrapped her arm around my shoulder, letting me rest my head on hers. "You did great babe," she said, gifting a kiss to my forehead. "That hickey is growing quite nicely on your neck there."

I looked up at her with a disapproving face. Jennie laughed at my face, giving me a peck on my nose. I covered my nose and whined out, "ahhh... Jennie!"

"What?" She chuckled, a smile on her face.

"Mmm," I pouted.

"Is my baby girl mad." She grabbed my cheeks squishing them a bit. "I hate you..." I looked down, a bitch face taking over mine.

"Noo... You loooove mee!"

I tried not to smile, pushing her off of me and looking away. "You love me baby." I couldnt help but smirk at that.

I turned my head leaning in and kissing her passionately. Jennie's hand came up and cupped my cheek, mine tangled in her hair. She moaned lightly into the kiss, making me blush slightly.

I felt her swipe at my bottom lip multiple times, but I didnt let her in. I swear her tongue is like a fuckin credit card being declined over and over again.

My lips curled into a smirk, making her pout. I forced my tongue past her lips, making her moan. I felt her smirk as well. The latter started to softly suck on my tongue, making me moan.

Jennie's POV

I felt Lisa moan as I sucked onto her tongue. I mean she wouldnt let me French her so this is what she gets. It doesnt seem like she's opposing though.

Even though she's been in a coma for the past month her sex drive is still as high as ever. She turns me on so much whenever she gets horny.

I felt her tongue flick up a bit, making me giggle. Lisa's tongue slipped away when I got distracted, darting back into her mouth. She pulled away, a string of saliva conecting our mouths.

"So you're into tongue sucking now, I see?" The blonde raised a brow.

I felt a light blush spread across my face. "I mean..." I paused, looking down.

Arms wrapped around me, pulling my head into Lisa's chest. She leaned down, "don't be embarrassed, I think it's hot." Her voice was in a hushed tone.

"For now, until I can manage to actually stand up and move my legs properly, we're just gonna have to kiss. But that doesnt bother me because I feel like I'm falling in love with you all over again when I do. If we kissed for eternity I would never...ever...get tired of it." Her tone was meaningful and filled with love and passion.

I smiled at her confession sweetly. "You're just the cutest thing, you know that."

My girlfriend nodded her head, smiling shyly. "Lets go back you your room, okay?" I asked, standing up.

I helped Lisa up, it was a bit hard but I managed. "Get on my back." She did. I carried her to the elevator.

In the elevator we happened to be alone. Lisa leaned her head over and licked up the side of my neck, licking and biting at it. She thankfully wasn't gonna leave any hickeys because I had to go to school the next day.

"L-Lisa stop that..." I gasped out.

"No," she said against my neck.

Moments later we arrived at Lisa's respected hospital room. I set her down and sat next to her. "How are you feeling." I asked.

"Better, like shit, but...better."

I chuckled at her comment. "At least it seems like you can sort of walk."

"Well in due time I'll be able to," she paused and looked over at the window. "Just..." She never finished.

I looked up at her, seeing a tear in her eye. "Baby don't cry." I hugged her tightly, hearing her sniffle.

"It's just... I-I'm sorry I did this... I-I just felt terrible a-and I thought you hated me. I-I know it sounds s-stupid...but I'm sensitive." Lisa sobbed and choked on her words.

"It's okay babe. I...I should have mever said those things to you. I just didnt want you getting close to your ex." I rubbed her arm and let her cry it out.

"B-but I made you worry, thinking I was going to die. D-do you know how close I was to killing myself, this much," she pinched her thumb and index finger together, leaving about a millimeter of space.

I chewed on my lip nervously. "Lisa you'll get over this depression. I did, it just takes...time. I'd say go to therapy but that doesnt work."

I hugged her tighter, kissing the top of her head. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I said.

The door opened, to my surprise it was Lisa's parents. "Lisa..."

"M-mom... D-dad..."
A/N - Sorry this chapter is kind of late. Ive been out all day.

First there was my little brother's soccer game. Then we had lunch. We got a call that my uncle's basement was flooded so we had to help with that. But hey I mean I got the chapter out.

Anyways have a great day.

Also thank you again for 1k reads I appreaciated it so much.

New smut book is called Blackpink and Twice smuts. Make sure to read the requests chapter.

Author-nim out!❤😘

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