Chapter 18 - Checkup

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Today the twins have their yearly checkup. The twins will be a year old in a few days and it is so mind blowing. They have grown up so fast.

I am sitting in my bed thinking about what more their is to come to our growing babies. I was just about to get out of bed but Vivaan put his arm around me a little tighter then before indicating that he want me to stay. I laid there a little longer and gave him a kiss on his cheek before getting out. I went to the nursery checking if the twins were awake or still sleeping. They were luckily still sleep so i give went to the bathroom and got ready. Our appointment wasn't until 11:30 and the time was only 9:30. I went down to the kitchen and started preparing breakfast while Vivaan was upstairs getting ready. I heard the kids start to cry and i went to check and saw that they both were scratching there arms and legs. I had no idea what was wrong. I quickly went and turn the stove off the the break fast wouldn't burn.

I took both of the twins in the bath and turned on the warm water and put in a skin soothing soap into the bath hoping it would help relieve the itching. It seemed to worked and I took them out and put very little hydrocortisone everywhere to help with the itch. I took them into the living room and put them on a blanket and let them sit and play so i could go back and start making breakfast again.

Breakfast was almost done ad Vivaan had come down to. He put his arms around me and quickly gave me a kiss on the cheek and then went over to the kids. Once breakfast was done we both ate and then i cleaned the dishes. Once i did that i made the diaper bag ready and put anything i needed into my purse. We took the kid in the car one by one. I sat in thee passengers sit and Vivaan went and sat in the driver's seat. I looked at the time and saw we had time to spare so i told Vivaan that we could go to the park for a little bit. He agreed and then i remember that we would need a stroller because the kids can't walk for a very long period. So before we drove off i reminded him of the stroller and we both went and got them and put them in the back. They park was only 5 minutes away so as soon as we put the stroller in the car we drove there.

~At the Park~

We took the strollers out and out the kids in them. I pushed Shivan and Vivaan pushed Naira. We had people come up to us and tell us that our babies were so cute. We thanked them and then got back to walking. The twins were still small so they couldn't really play in the with the other kids that were there. While walking on the little trail a small cute dog came up to us and started sniffing us. We petted them and played them for a few minutes and then they ran off to their owner. We saw that the dogs made the twins very happy. I was thinking that maybe we should get a dog or some kid of animal. I decided that i would bring this topic up to Vivaan later. So we Continued to walk and i took a look at my phone and saw the time was 11:00. I let Vivaan know and we turned around and walked to the car. The doctor's office was about 15 minutes away to we would be just on time. We drove their and the car ride was pretty quite. Vivaan had his hand on my hand and every now and then we would looked at each other and the Vivaan would look back at the road.

It was 11:20 when we reached the pediatrician's clinic. We signed the papers and we were called into the room almost immediately. The doctor asked us questions and asked if we had any questions. I mentioned what happened this morning and he told us it's just a rash. He told us that it could take days maybe even weeks until the rashes went away. This made me worry. The doctor went and ran a few test and told us everything else was fine. He prescribed a cream to use on the rashes. He also instructed us to put the cream on 2 times a day until the rashes went away. The doctor also told us that we should try giving solids to the kids that aren't hard to chew like bananas because they haven't started getting their teeth yet but they soon would be.

It was now almost 1 o'clock and we hadn't had lunch. We drove home and once we got home we took the kids and everything else out of the car. I then went into the kitchen and warmed leftovers while Vivaan played with the twins in the living room. I also made some food for the twins. I put milk into a bowl and put baby oatmeal into. I also took a banana and made small pieces and mixed it in. Once that was ready Vivaan helped me put the kids in their high chairs. I started feeding them while Vivaan went and washed his hands. when he came back he helped me feed them and every now and then we took a bite of our food. They seem to like the bananas in the oatmeal. Once we all were done i took the dishes and put them into the dishwasher.

We decided that we would give the twins a nap. We let them play and then we took them to the nursery and out them in their cribs. We patted their stomach and soon they started to fall asleep. We left and went out to the patio. We sat in silence and i thought about bring up the dog topic and the thing about the rashes. I talked to him about the dog and it took time to convince him. it was now time for me to bring up the other thing. Again it was silent until i decide to speak.

~Conversation about Rashes~

"Babe", i said.

"yea", he said.

" I want to tell you some but please don't freak out", I said.

"Ok.... what is it you need to tell me"' he said.

"Umm........I think i should take time off of work maybe for a month", I said.

"Why", he said.

"Well you know the kids have a rash and i think i should be home with them", I said.

"We can get a nanny", he said.

"I know but i'm just worried", I said.

"There is no need to worry and i don't think you should take time off", He said.

"I think i should be home with the kids for some time", I said.

"I don't think so they will be just fine with the nanny and if you don't trust them we can ask my mom or your mom", He said.

"No, i think i should be home with my kids i know what's best for them i'm there mother", I said slightly louder.

"Even i want what's best for them im their father and their our kids", He said it in the same tone as i did.

"Well can you just trust me on this", I said.

"I do trust you", He said.

"Then can you just let me stay home with the kids and take some time off," I said.

He stayed silent for a bit. He then got up and said "i don't feel like arguing anymore", and then walked inside.

I was a little stunned. I also went back inside and i saw Vivaan go upstairs and i stayed downstairs. I decided to start making dinner. Making dinner was hard because i couldn't focus. Once it was done i went upstairs and told Vivaan. He just nodded and didn't say a word. While he went to the bathroom i went to the nursery and saw that the kids were awake. I took them out and took them to the dining table to eat dinner with us. When i got their I saw that Vivaan already started eating. I was sad because he never did that. I fed the kids and also ate. Vivaan finished and got up and left. I stared at him going back upstairs because he would usually wait and he would also help feed the twins. I felt a tear on my cheek and quickly wiped it away. I could sense that we had tension between us. Once i was done i cleaned up and then took the kids for their bath. Usually we do this together but not today. Once i changed them i put the cream that the doctor gave us and then i read them a story and played with them for a bit. I gave them a milk bottle and put them in their crib. I sat in their room and watched them and once they finished their bottle i took the bottle and gave them a kiss on the forehead and turned the light off and turned the night light on and then left the room keeping the door open.

I washed their bottles and then made my way upstairs to our room. I didn't see Vivaan in their so i went to go check where he was. I passed by the office and saw him sitting in their on the computer. I walked back to our room and sat on our bed reading waiting for him to come in. It was now 10:30 so i decided to go take a shower to get my mind off of things. When i came back outside Vivaan was already in bed. I went and laid beside him. Their was quite a bit of space between us really felt like just hugging him but i didn't. I turned around so i was facing the opposite way and i closed my eyes. After a few minutes i felt Vivaan move and give me a quick kiss on the lips and whisper "I love you". I guess he thought i was asleep i mentally smiled and then drifted off to sleep.

~Author's Note~

Omg this is my longest update yet. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave your feedback and also be sure to share, vote, comment and follow. Thanks for always being supportive.💕

Special thank you to shailjamanya05 for giving me the idea to write this chapter. I hope you like it. 😊

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