New Day, New Life.

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(A/n: hey... I'm sorry for not updating but I was writing another naruto fic then I started writing a OHSHC fic...and I was watching full metal alchemist ....and then I wrote this in minutes oh and I wrote this on my kindle fire so their probably a lot of mistakes sorry....  and I can't comment but I will reply back on your page... and sorry for it being so short....)

   You woken up in a daze. Startled that you couldn't see out of your right eye until the memory of last night came rushing back. A smile danced on your face. Finally no more torment, no more abuse it was quiet in the (L/N) household. You happily got out of bed and went in the bathroom to do your business and change your bandages that was now a crimson red seeping threw from the eye area. As you changed your bandages you sighed seeing that it would heal but it wouldn't be useful it would just scar up and all you would see would be a blurred motion that would mess up your vision.


I quickly got changed, ate some breakfast and ran out the door running towards the academy. Today was the ninja test that would be judged by Iruka-sensei and Mitsuki (sp?).

I soon neared the academy and jumped threw a open window that led to Iruka-sensei's classroom. When I made the sudden unknown entrance I seemed to have startled everyone especially Naruto sense I landed right on his desk giving him a heart attack.

"Heh heh sorry Naruto..." I said sweat dropping.

"It's....fine......" Naruto emitted in between breaths.

"OKAY CLASS SETTLE DOWN AND (F/N) STOP JUMPING THREW WINDOW AND GET OFF THE DESK!!!" Yelled Iruka-sensei.( Lol it change Iruka to Ursula from The little mermaid)

"NEVERRRRRR.......NEVER SAY NEVER!!!" I screamed at Iruka making everyone sweatdrop that I screamed at Iruka for my comment.

I seemed to have confused Iruka-sensei sense he was just standing their dumbfounded. I hopped of of Naruto's desk sat myself in some random person's seat.

" okay as I was saying...the test is gonna be on clone jutsu you have to make three or more clones to pass if you don't you fail." Iruka stated the obvious.

" no way I thought if we didn't pass we got ice cream  and celebrated and you would let us go Netherlands riding a unicorn puking rainbows and shitting sparkles!!!" I said with obvious sarcasim.

"(Y/n)....language" Iruka-sensei growled.

"What I'm speaking Japanese." I said with a closed eye smile.

Iruka-sensei sighed giving up on the argument

"Ugh this so boring why can't I go first" I thought

Oh yeah if your wondering why I'm being a hyper insane lazy idiot well wouldn't you knowing that your life changed for good!? and if you also wondering why no one is asking about the bandages.... well that's because I kinda gave the a death glare that would beat all of the glares of the uchiha's combined and everyone else kinda backed off.

Soon it was my turn and I ran into the room and before they said anything I made my clones......let's just say I was a tad too hyper and I kinda squished everyone....meaning this small classroom + 100 poofs....not a good combination....

"OKAY ...please stop the Jutsu.." Iruka said sounding like he was dying.

"OKAY!!!" Poofs Times 100

"You pass...." Iruka stated handing over a navy blue headband protector

"Aawwwwww" I whined


" There's no red..." I said sulking.

" here this is the last one but it's a little long..." Iruka emitted handing me over the accessory.

"Yay!" I screamed and tied it around my waist making it into a belt that leaned onto left thigh.


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